I am trying to come up with an algorithm which generates numbers that have a given average product based on their distance. For example, say there were 4 points on the x-axis, x1 x2 x3 and x4. Each point has a position and a value. x1's position is x=1, x2's position is x=2, etc. So that means the distance between x1 and x2 is 1, while the distance from x2 and x4 is 2, etc.
I am looking for a method to generate the x values in a way so that their average product is equal to a given number. So for each distance we would have an equation
d=3: (1/2) * (n1*n4 + n4*n1) = avg1
d=2: (1/4) * (n1*n3 + n2*n4 + n3*n1 + n4*n2) = avg2
d=1: (1/6) * (n1*n2 + n2*n3 + n3*n4 + n2*n1 + n3*n2 + n4*n3) = avg3
d=0: (1/4) * (n1^2 + n2^2 + n3^2 + n4^2) = avg4
I tried by setting the avg values to small integers, then setting n1=1 and going from there. The resulting algebra left me with a system that doesn't have a solution. I have been using the distance matrix between the points to help visualize what is going on. I assume one has freedom to pick x1, like a seed, and would then try to derive the other points based on it.
The interior of this operation is non-linear. It could probably be represented better as a quadratic programming (QP) problem, but since those are not directly supported by scipy I demonstrate with a generic minimize
You're best off pre-calculating a three-dimensional matrix of factors with dimensions for your distance, first n-index, and second n-index; and then during optimization using one einsum
to reduce to a vector of means. These means can then be subtracted from the target means and a self-dot-product applied to get a least-squares cost.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
N = 4
def make_factors() -> np.ndarray:
factors = np.empty((N, N, N))
for d in range(N):
if d == 0:
num = 1
num = 0.5
diag = np.full(shape=N - d, fill_value=num/(N - d))
addend = np.diag(v=diag, k=d)
factors[d, ...] = addend
if d != 0:
factors[d, ...] += addend.T
return factors
def actual_mean(params: np.ndarray, factors: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# Equivalent to factors[i, ...] dot outer(params, params)
return np.einsum('ijk,j,k->i', factors, params, params)
def cost(params: np.ndarray, factors: np.ndarray, target_means: np.ndarray) -> float:
error = actual_mean(params, factors) - target_means
return error.dot(error)
def solve(factors: np.ndarray, target_means: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
d=1: 1/2(N-1) * (2(N-1)n^2) = mean1
n = sqrt(mean1) for x0
x0 = np.full(shape=N, fill_value=np.sqrt(target_means[1]))
result = minimize(
args=(factors, target_means),
if not result.success:
raise ValueError(result.message)
return result.x
def main() -> None:
factors = make_factors()
target_means = np.array((3.4, 3.7, 3.3, 2.5))
fit = solve(factors, target_means)
print('n =', fit)
print(target_means, '~', actual_mean(fit, factors))
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = [1.57903356 2.09332332 2.09332332 1.57903356]
[3.4 3.7 3.3 2.5] ~ [3.43767474 3.66428601 3.30542776 2.49334698]