This is similar to the question I posted here.
I use the nhlapi
package and the nhl_schedule_seasons
function to obtain a list of games and their associated info for a specific season.
Using this for season 2023 with the following:
schedule <- nhl_schedule_seasons(2023)
Returns a list and inside I can see the game info:
str(schedule, list.len = 8)
List of 1
$ :List of 8
..$ copyright : chr "NHL and the NHL Shield are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. NHL and NHL team marks are the "| __truncated__
..$ totalItems : int 1423
..$ totalEvents : int 0
..$ totalGames : int 1423
..$ totalMatches: int 0
..$ metaData :List of 1
.. ..$ timeStamp: chr "20231016_233752"
..$ wait : int 10
..$ dates :'data.frame': 198 obs. of 8 variables:
.. ..$ date : chr [1:198] "2023-09-23" "2023-09-24" "2023-09-25" "2023-09-26" ...
.. ..$ totalItems : int [1:198] 3 12 9 7 9 6 8 10 4 7 ...
.. ..$ totalEvents : int [1:198] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
.. ..$ totalGames : int [1:198] 3 12 9 7 9 6 8 10 4 7 ...
.. ..$ totalMatches: int [1:198] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
.. ..$ games :List of 198
.. .. ..$ :'data.frame': 3 obs. of 30 variables:
How can I extract the specific game info from the games
I tried to map with the following:
schedule <- nhl_schedule_seasons(2023) |>
map(list("dates", "games"))
But I can't work out how to use enframe and probably list_rbind to extract all of the info into a data frame?
I can access each of the dataframes like so:
newdf1 <-[[1]][[1]])
gamePk link gameType season gameDate
1 2023010001 /api/v1/game/2023010001/feed/live PR 20232024 2023-09-23T04:05:00Z
2 2023010002 /api/v1/game/2023010002/feed/live PR 20232024 2023-09-23T19:00:00Z
3 2023010003 /api/v1/game/2023010003/feed/live PR 20232024 2023-09-24T00:00:00Z
But I can't work out how to get these for each list?
I also tried a loop with the following:
schedule <- nhl_schedule_seasons(2023) |>
map(list("dates", "games"))
df = data.frame()
for (i in 1:198) {
res =[[1]][[i]])
df = rbind(df, res)
But I get this error:
Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) :
numbers of columns of arguments do not match
Does this achieve what you want?
schedule <- nhl_schedule_seasons(2023) |>
map(list("dates", "games"))
res <- bind_rows(map(schedule, ~ bind_rows(.x)))
If you want to create columns in the new data frame that contains the names of the list the values came from you can add id = "..."
to each bind rows call:
bind_rows(map(schedule, ~ bind_rows(.x, .id = "inner_list")), .id = "outer_list")