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T-SQL query for conditional string cocatenation

PersonID Name ResultDate CategoryName CategoryValue
569 A 2015-11-10 Note NULL
569 A 2015-11-10 Result Passed
569 A 2015-11-10 Score 16
585 B 2015-11-09 Note Hello!
585 B 2015-11-09 Result Failed
585 B 2015-11-09 Score 8
585 B 2020-03-01 Note NULL
585 B 2020-03-01 Result Passed
585 B 2020-03-01 Score 10

I have this table of exam results in SQL Server.

Each PersonID can have multiple ResultDate rows, and for each ResultDate they always have CategoryName values of Note, Result, and Score.

I want to concatenate the CategoryValues columns whose CategoryName are Result and Score, so I have a Result(Score) format.

For example, for PersonID 569 on 2015-11-10 I want to see Passed(16). For PersonID 585 I want to see 'Failed(8)' for 2015-11-09 and Passed(10) for 2020-03-01.

How can I achieve this?

I've tried STRING_AGG and CONCAT with conditional queries but failed.


  • You can use STRING_AGG with CONCAT, it's somewhat unpretty though:

    select personid,name, ResultDate
    , string_agg(CONCAT(CategoryValue, case when CategoryName = 'Result' THEN ' (' ELSE ')' END), '') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY case when CategoryName = 'Result' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS Result
    from (
        VALUES  (569, N'A', N'2015-11-10', N'Note', NULL)
        ,   (569, N'A', N'2015-11-10', N'Result', N'Passed')
        ,   (569, N'A', N'2015-11-10', N'Score', N'16')
        ,   (585, N'B', N'2015-11-09', N'Note', N'Hello!')
        ,   (585, N'B', N'2015-11-09', N'Result', N'Failed')
        ,   (585, N'B', N'2015-11-09', N'Score', N'8')
        ,   (585, N'B', N'2020-03-01', N'Note', NULL)
        ,   (585, N'B', N'2020-03-01', N'Result', N'Passed')
        ,   (585, N'B', N'2020-03-01', N'Score', N'10')
    ) t (PersonID,Name,ResultDate,CategoryName,CategoryValue)
    WHERE CategoryName IN ('Result', 'Score')
    group by personid, name, resultDate


    personid name ResultDate Result
    569 A 2015-11-10 Passed (16)
    585 B 2015-11-09 Failed (8)
    585 B 2020-03-01 Passed (10)