I have a static file called index.html
that I'd like to serve when someone requests /
. Usually web servers do this by default, but Compojure doesn't. How can I make Compojure serve index.html
when someone requests /
Here's the code I'm using for the static directory:
; match anything in the static dir at resources/public
(route/resources "/")
This would be a pretty simple Ring middleware:
(defn wrap-dir-index [handler]
(fn [req]
(update-in req [:uri]
#(if (= "/" %) "/index.html" %)))))
Just wrap your routes with this function, and requests for /
get transformed into requests for /index.html
before the rest of your code sees them.
(def app (-> (routes (your-dynamic-routes)
(resources "/"))
(...other wrappers...)