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VBA Remove image from filled shape

I succeeded in filling a shape with an image. However, I loop through several images to create a report for each ranger. So once I created the report, I need to remove that image and fill the shape with another image. I have tried several things but just don't succeed in removing the previous image. Once the first image is loaded, even trying to just loop through and fill the shape again with another does not work. Once the first image is in it remains. I've even tried to load an image that is just a white block. That doesn't work either. Please help me remove this again

enter image description here

Sub rInsertAndResizePicture()
    Dim PicturePath As String
    Dim PictureName As String
    Dim WhiteFill As String
    Dim TargetCell As Range
    Dim Pic As Object
    Dim TargetShape As Shape
    Dim MaxWidth As Double
    Dim MaxHeight As Double
    Dim ShapeWidth As Single
    Dim ShapeHeight As Single
    Dim shp As Shape
    Dim imagePath As String, whitePath As String
    Dim rngImage As Picture
    ' Specify the name of the shape
    On Error Resume Next
        Set TargetShape = rRep.Shapes("RangerImageSize")
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' Set the path and file name
    PicturePath = rSys.Range("Z2").Value  
    PictureName = rSys.Range("Z3").Value  '"Joel Somseb Torra RR.jpg"
    WhiteFill = "white-600X300.png"
    imagePath = PicturePath & PictureName
    whitePath = PicturePath & WhiteFill
    ' If the shape exists, add the image to it
    If Not TargetShape Is Nothing Then
        On Error Resume Next
        TargetShape.Fill.UserPicture whitePath

        '    sRep.Pictures("rngImage").Delete
        ' Check if the shape contains an image
'        If TargetShape.Type = msoAutoShape Then
'        ' Delete the image from the shape
'        TargetShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'        End If

        On Error GoTo 0

        If Dir(imagePath) <> "" Then
            Set rngImage = rRep.Pictures.Insert(imagePath)
'            Set rngImage = imagePath
            ' Name the image as "rngImage"
            rngImage.Name = "rngImage"
            TargetShape.Fill.UserPicture imagePath
            TargetShape.Fill.UserPicture whitePath
'            TargetShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        End If
    End If
End Sub


  • If you want to delete the picture, you have to apply the Fill.Solid method.

    Something like this
