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When using FCL(Flexible Collision Detection) Library to distance query for mesh model(.obj), there was a stack overflow

I want to try to learn use fcl library, but when i try to make a distance query, there was a stack overflow problem. I follow the web readme tutorial interface to program.

Here is my code.

#include <iostream>
#include "fcl/math/bv/utility.h"
#include "fcl/narrowphase/collision.h"
#include "fcl/narrowphase/detail/gjk_solver_indep.h"
#include "fcl/narrowphase/detail/gjk_solver_libccd.h"
#include "fcl/narrowphase/detail/traversal/collision_node.h"
#include "fcl/narrowphase/continuous_collision.h"

#include "corecrt_math_defines.h"
#include "test_fcl_utility.h"

#include "fcl_resources/config.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace fcl;
using namespace Eigen;

int main()
    std::vector<fcl::Vector3f> p1, p2;
    std::vector<Triangle> t1, t2;

    fcl::test::loadOBJFile("OBJModel/cubic1.obj", p1, t1);
    fcl::test::loadOBJFile("OBJModel/cubic1.obj", p2, t2);

    typedef BVHModel<OBBRSSf> Model;
    shared_ptr<Model> arm0 = make_shared<Model>();
    shared_ptr<Model> arm1 = make_shared<Model>();

    arm0->addSubModel(p1, t1);

    arm1->addSubModel(p2, t2);

    Vector3f T0 = Vector3f(3.,3,3);

    Vector3f T1;
    T1 << 3., 0, 0;

    Transform3f tf0 = Transform3f::Identity();
    tf0.translation() = T0;

    Transform3f tf1 = Transform3f::Identity();
    tf1.translation() = T1;

    CollisionObjectf* obj0 = new CollisionObjectf(arm0, tf0);
    CollisionObjectf* obj1 = new CollisionObjectf(arm1, tf1);

    // set the distance request structure, here we just use the default setting
    DistanceRequestf request;
    // result will be returned via the collision result structure
    DistanceResultf result;
    // perform distance test
    distance(obj0, obj1, request, result);
    cout << result.min_distance << endl;

when i run distance(obj0, obj1, request, result);

Problem occured 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow (parameters: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000002DD6403F70)。

I also find a github code, it's similar to mine. I can't find anything different.

I checked out call stack, there are lots of distanceRecurse, but I can not understand why so many distanceRecurse were run, my model is just a cubic(222).here are the screen picture of CallStack. lots of distanceRecurse in stack

the last stack

This is the Recurse function:

distnaceRecurse function

Thank you so much to anyone who give me advice to solve my problem.


  • FCL 0.6.1 The version 0.6.1 can deal with this problem. It may be a bug now.