I'm moving my application files to an ActiveStorage solution and would like to take advantage of its image interpolation functions (resize, crop, etc).
I have about 100+ application instances that stands on about 30 servers. Not all have the libvips
or the imagemagick
package installed, so I would like to add the variant
method only if that lib is present. For example something like:
if has_my_server_libvips?
logo_header = Portal.logo_header.variant({ resize_to_fit: [230, 50] })
logo_header = Portal.logo_header
Is there any Ruby / RoR built-in / custom method to check it?
You can check if these libraries have executable command. This is just idea, you can implement it as you wish
logo_header =
if %i[vips magick].any? { |command| `which #{command}`.present? }
Portal.logo_header.variant({ resize_to_fit: [230, 50] })
which command
returns path of executable bin (with new line character in the end) or empty string if absent
You can also define such method (for example in Kernel
module Kernel
def command_exists?(command)
command = command.delete('^a-zA-Z')
!`which #{command}`.empty?
But be careful: sanitize argument before call this method to prevent injection!