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Universal reference in variadic template class is treated as rvalue reference

I am trying to create variadic template that can get lvalues, rvalues and rvalue references as arguments. But it seems that T&& is treated as rvalue reference and wouldn't accept other types.

Am I missing something? I thought that && is universal reference when used in templates.

#include <string>

template <typename... T>
struct MyClass
    MyClass(T&&... values)

int main()
    std::string string_value;
    //MyClass my_class(string_value); // class template argument deduction failed
    //MyClass<std::string> my_class(string_value); // cannot bind rvalue reference of type
    MyClass<std::string> my_class(std::move(string_value)); // OK
    return 0;


  • That's not a universal/forwarding reference.

    From cppreference:

    An rvalue reference to a cv-unqualified template parameter is not a forwarding reference if that parameter is a class template parameter:

    template<class T>
    struct A
        template<class U>
        A(T&&, U&&, int*); // #1: T&& is not a forwarding reference
                           //     U&& is a forwarding reference
        A(T&&, int*);      // #2: T&& is not a forwarding reference