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Azure B2C User Flow doesn't return back to the mobile app in iOS

I am using the following package to integrate Azure B2C User flow in React Native Mobile App.

On Android, the user flow works fine and I am able to receive the idtoken in the app.

In iOS , I am redirected to B2c policy , from there I select any IDP such as Google, I go to the IDP sing in , enter the credentials and then nothing happens.

I have done the Setup related steps mentioned in the package documentation. But I can feel that the authorize function never returns back to the app I neither get an error nor the token

try {
  console.log("before calling autorize");
  const result = await authorize(config);
  console.log("Result Object : ",result);
  const authToken = result.idToken;
  console.log("ID TOKEN : " , authToken);
  const decodedToken = jwt_decode(authToken);
  return decodedToken;
  // result includes accessToken, accessTokenExpirationDate and refreshToken
} catch (error) {
  console.log("Error occured");

I even tried to change to a custom policy with App insights integrated, but I could not find any errors or traces for the custom policy I will be grateful if I can get any pointers to resolve this issue.


  • I was able to resolve the issue. It was just a missing '/' at the end of the redirect uri for iOS I am now wondering why this is not mentioned anywhere in the docs. It is only mentioned as 'Important' at the end of the sample for AD.

    enter image description here

    For example in Azure App config if the redirect uri is com.bundleid://auth

    In the mobile app config it should be com.bundleid://auth/