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When should I use AWS NLB instead of ALB?

I am familiar with both AWS ALB and NLB, but I'm unsure about the scenarios in which NLB would be more suitable, given that ALB can handle similar tasks. Are there specific use cases where NLB is preferred, or could it be related to pricing considerations?


  • Use AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) when:

    • Load balancing needs are at Layer 4 (TCP/UDP) or for non-HTTP protocols.
    • High throughput and low latency are essential.
    • Static IP addresses are required.
    • Routing traffic for containers, microservices, or cross-zone load balancing. -Managing highly available, fault-tolerant applications.

    For HTTP/HTTPS-based routing and advanced content inspection, choose AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB). In many cases, both NLB and ALB can be used together for a complete load-balancing solution.