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Spark : why does spark spill to disk?

I have 18 Spark executors that have each 102GB memory and 26 cores, so around 1836GB total memory and 468 total cores available for Spark, as you can see bellow :

Spark UI Main page Part 1

I run the following App, that use all the resources :

Spark UI Main page Part 2

As I don't do any cache/persist/broadcast, I have set the Spark Environnement as follow :

Spark UI Environnement

So basically :

--conf "spark.memory.fraction=0.6"
--conf "spark.memory.storageFraction=0.1"

The following Spark UI Executors tab is a bit misleading, but theorically, I have :

  • allocated 0.6 * 102GB = 61 GB, but let say 53 GB for total storage and execution memory per executor
  • so the total for all executors is 18 * 53 GB = 970 GB
  • more specifically, I have allocated per executor 0.9 * 53 GB = 47 GB for Spark execution memory, and 0.1 * 53 GB = 5 GB for Spark storage memory.
  • so the real total memory avalaible for Spark execution memory for that app is 18 * 47 GB = 846 GB

Spark UI Executor tab

As you can see on the previous screen :

  • few memory is used per executor for caching data, as expected because the application do not cache or broadcast anything
  • all cores are used regarding those allocated

Regarding the stages, the most important one is the last and active stage (that actively do Shuffle read, and produce output) :

Spark Current Stage Spark Stages completed

Indeed, my app consist of a main large .join() between two dataset, that trigger a full shuffle (534.9 GB written at stage 11), and a large shuffle read at stage 16 (screenshot show shuffle read of 5.8 GB out of 543.9 GB)

We can zoom on such join thanks to the following Spark UI Spark SQL graph :

Spark UI Spark SQL tab

With some simple unix command, I can confirm that spark.local.dir (used for temp files during shuffle) consume at most 600GB including sum of all nodes. This number match the 534.9 GB reported by the UI during the main shuffle write.

Question :

Why does spark spill to disk in that case ?

Indeed, Spark seems to use neither of the 846GB execution memory, nor those 970GB total Spark memory (including execution + storage) to store part of the Shuffle Write results, and speed up the compute.

Spark seems to spill all the data to disk. Indeed, around 600GB is written on disk. 600GB seems to refers to compressed data (as spark.shuffle.compress=true).

I know that the uncompressed data might be about 3.9 TB as the Spark UI suggest. But as it is Spark 3.0.2 that is supposed to support internally efficient Kyro serialization, anyway, it still remain unclear why Spark spill everything in that case


  • From an AWS guide,,which%20can%20cause%20straggling%20executors, but also to be found elsewhere.

    Apache Spark utilizes in-memory caching and optimized query execution for fast analytic queries against your datasets, which are split into multiple Spark partitions on different nodes so that you can process a large amount of data in parallel.

    In Apache Spark, shuffling happens when data needs to be redistributed across the cluster. During a shuffle, data is written to local disk and transferred across the network. The shuffle operation is often constrained by the available local disk capacity, or data skew, which can cause straggling executors.

    That is to say, the architecture of Spark is to write Mapper output to local disk, for Reducer phase, tasks to consume. Join fits into that approach as well, obviously.