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Failure to get the content of an ACC folder with folders/:folderid/contents endpoint

I am trying to get the contents of a folder, specifically the 'Project Files' folder in ACC.

I am using postman at the moment and did the following :

  • Got the Hubs, via projects/v1/hubs endpoint and extracted the hubId of the desired hub
  • Got the Projects, via /hubs/:hubid/projects endpoint and extracted the projectId
  • Got the TopFolders, via hubs/hubid/projects/project_id/topFolders endpoint, extraced the folderId for 'Project Files'
  • Trying to get the content of the 'Project Files' content via projects/project_id/folders/folderId/contents and I get an error "developerMessage": "The requested resource does not exist."

The folderId I am getting is from of "urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.folder:co.bEd9KCbyQAWbhE938Cy48Q" (I changed one of the characters here)

Any ideas welcome Thanks Jonathan


  • It turns out postman included a new line (i pressed the enter key) at the end of the request (%0A) 🤦‍♂️ - please take note. Thanks for reading and trying to help. Jonathan