I have the following Job class:
public class Job {
static int jobTotal = 0;
private int jobNumber;
private Address location;
private String description;
private List<Equipment> requiredEquipment;
private Date plannedDate;
public static int getJobTotal() {
return jobTotal;
This class contains a bunch of other methods, but getJobTotal is the only one that is relevant in this case.
Inside JobTest.java I run a couple of tests for each of these methods (there are around 14 test methods):
class JobTest {
Job j1;
void init() {
Address a = new Address("street", 111, "zip", "city");
ArrayList<Equipment> equipment = new ArrayList<>();
equipment.add(new Torch("Don't turn on or it explodes"));
j1 = new Job(a, "Replace lightbulb", equipment, new Date(15, 10, 2023));
void testConstructor() {
assertFalse(j1 == null);
void getJobTotal() {
//? How do I test for getJobTotal?
However, tests are not ran in the order in which they are defined inside the test file. As a result, my BeforeEach could trigger an unknown amount of times before reaching getJobTotal(the test method I mean).
How could I test that the getter returns a "correct" value? Because I can't really place any value inside the "expected" parameter of assertEquals().
PS: I am using JUnit 5
To test the value of a static attribute like jobTotal in your Job class using JUnit 5, you can use the @BeforeAll and @AfterAll annotations to set and reset the value. These annotations are used for setup and cleanup methods that run once before and after all the test methods in a test class. Here's how you can do it.
void init() {
Address a = new Address("street", 111, "zip", "city");
ArrayList<Equipment> equipment = new ArrayList<>();
equipment.add(new Torch("Don't turn on or it explodes"));
j1 = new Job(a, "Replace lightbulb", equipment, new Date(15, 10, 2023));
void testConstructor() {
assertFalse(j1 == null);
void testGetJobTotal() {
// Assuming you have set up some jobs, you can test the static attribute like this:
int initialTotal = Job.getJobTotal();
// Perform actions that change the jobTotal, e.g., creating more jobs
int updatedTotal = Job.getJobTotal();
// Now you can assert the values
assertEquals(initialTotal + 1, updatedTotal); // Or any expected value based on your test scenario
static void setup() {
// Initialize or set up anything needed before running the tests
static void cleanup() {
// Clean up or reset any state that was changed during testing