I am looking at the following code challenge:
The “push_swap” program
You have to write a program named push_swap which will receive as an argument a stack formatted as a list of integers. The first argument should be at the top of the stack (be careful about the order).
The program must display the smallest list of instructions possible to sort the stack, the smallest number being at the top.
Instructions must be separated by a
and nothing else.The goal is to sort the stack with the minimum possible number of operations. During defence we’ll compare the number of instructions your program found with a maximum number of operation tolerated. If your program either displays a list too big or if the list isn’t sorted properly, you’ll get no points.
In case of error, you must display Error followed by a
on the standard error. Errors include for example: some arguments aren’t integers, some arguments are bigger than an integer, and/or there are duplicates.Game rules
The game is composed of 2 stacks named
.To start with:
contains a random number of either positive or negative numbers without any duplicates.b
is emptyThe goal is to sort (in ascending order) numbers into stack
.To do this you have the following operations at your disposal:
Commands and Description of Each Command:
: swapa
- swap the first 2 elements at the top of stacka
. Do nothing if there is only one or no elements).sb
: swapb
- swap the first 2 elements at the top of stackb
. Do nothing if there is only one or no elements).ss
at the same time.pa
: pusha
- take the first element at the top ofb
and put it at the top ofa
. Do nothing ifb
is empty.pb
: pushb
- take the first element at the top ofa
and put it at the top ofb
. Do nothing ifa
is empty.ra
: rotatea
- shift up all elements of stacka
by 1. The first element becomes the last one.rb
: rotateb
- shift up all elements of stackb
by 1. The first element becomes the last one.rr
at the same time.rra
: reverse rotatea
- shift down all elements of stacka
by 1. The last element becomes the first one.rrb
: reverse rotateb
- shift down all elements of stackb
by 1. The last element becomes the first one.rrr
at the same time.Example
The example below sorts integers in stack
in 10 instructions.Init a and b: 2 1 3 6 8 5 _ _ a b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exec sa: 1 2 3 6 8 5 _ _ a b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exec pb pb pb: 6 3 5 2 8 1 _ _ a b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exec rr: 5 2 8 1 6 3 _ _ a b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exec rrr: 6 3 5 2 8 1 _ _ a b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exec sa: 5 3 6 2 8 1 _ _ a b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exec pa pa pa: 1 2 3 5 6 8 _ _ a b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I ran a visualizer (https://github.com/o-reo/push_swap_visualizer) on the code at https://github.com/Kuninoto/42_push_swap/tree/master/lvl_2_push_swap. (The file names at https://github.com/Kuninoto/42_push_swap/tree/master/lvl_2_push_swap/srcs/algos show "insertion_sort.c", "midpoint_sort.c", "radix_sort.c" and "special_case.c".)
#include "push_swap.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
t_stack a;
t_stack b;
if (argc < 2)
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
a = init_stack(argc - 1);
fill_a(&a, parse_input(argc, argv, &a), argc);
b = init_stack(argc - 1);
if (!is_sorted(&a))
if (a.stack_size == 3)
else if (a.stack_size >= 200)
radix_sort(&a, &b);
midpoint_sort(&a, &b);
free_stacks(&a, &b);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
#include "push_swap.h"
static void simplify_numbers(t_stack *stack, int *sorted_array)
int i;
int *temp;
int j;
i = -1;
temp = malloc(stack->stack_size * sizeof(int));
while (++i < stack->stack_size)
j = -1;
while (++j < stack->stack_size)
if (sorted_array[i] == stack->storage[j])
temp[j] = i;
i = -1;
while (++i < stack->stack_size)
stack->storage[i] = temp[i];
static int *gen_sorted_arr(t_stack *stack)
int *sorted_arr;
int i;
sorted_arr = malloc(stack->stack_size * sizeof(int));
i = 0;
while (i < stack->stack_size)
sorted_arr[i] = stack->storage[i];
i += 1;
insertion_sort(sorted_arr, stack->stack_size);
return (sorted_arr);
void radix_sort(t_stack *a, t_stack *b)
int max_bits;
int num;
int i;
int j;
max_bits = 0;
simplify_numbers(a, gen_sorted_arr(a));
num = max(a);
while ((num >> max_bits) != 0)
i = -1;
while (++i < max_bits)
j = -1;
while (!is_sorted(a) && (++j < a->stack_size))
num = a->storage[a->top];
if (((num >> i) & 0b00000001) == 1)
ra(a, true);
pb(a, b);
while (!is_empty(b))
pa(a, b);
#include "push_swap.h"
int find_midpoint(t_stack *stack, int chunk_start)
int mid_point;
int i;
int chunk_size;
int *sorted_arr;
mid_point = 0;
i = 0;
chunk_size = (stack->top + 1) - chunk_start;
sorted_arr = malloc(chunk_size * sizeof(int));
while ((i + chunk_start) < (stack->top + 1))
sorted_arr[i] = stack->storage[i + chunk_start];
i += 1;
insertion_sort(sorted_arr, chunk_size);
mid_point = sorted_arr[(chunk_size / 2)];
sorted_arr = NULL;
return (mid_point);
void midpoint_sort(t_stack *a, t_stack *b)
int chunks;
int mid_point;
chunks = 1;
if (ok_sa(a))
sa(a, true);
while (a->top > 1)
mid_point = find_midpoint(a, 0);
move_smaller_top(a, b, mid_point);
move_smaller_bottom(a, b, mid_point);
finish_moving(a, b, mid_point, chunks++);
if (a->storage[a->top] > a->storage[a->top - 1])
sa(a, true);
while (b->top != -1)
move_bigger_top(b, a, max(b));
I tried regression using the maximum number of steps obtained above (for 3, 4, 5 and 9 integers) and the linear equation ("max_steps = 5.108n - 12.8", where n = number of integers to sort, rSquared of 0.999) gives 2541 steps for 500 integers.
I am wondering if a better algorithm really exists and if the result is possible to be as low as 2541 for 500 integers. Wrote out a few cases by hand for 4 integers or 5 integers but could not figure out the lowest possible estimated number of steps or time complexity.
As the main function actually selects a different sorting algorithm depending on the size of the input, it makes little sense to try to extrapolate the number of operations on small data sets to larger data sets.
It is also an unwarranted assumption that there is a linear relation between the number of operations for sorting in terms of the input size: for larger inputs, it uses the radix sort implementation you quoted.
In the worst case is_sorted(a)
will not be true at an earlier stage, and then we have an outer loop of log𝑛 and an inner loop performing an operation for each value in stack A (which always initially has all values). That algorithm produces therefor O(𝑛log𝑛) operations, not O(𝑛).
You write:
For 500 integers, the result ranges from 6740 to 6960 steps.
On the question whether a better algorithm exists, here is one:
First phase:
Determine the median of stack A. Call the set of values that are less than that median X, and the set of the remaining values Y.
Determine the median of X.
Move all values in X that are less than the second median to the bottom of stack B and all values in X that are greater than that median to the top of stack B. Values in Y should just rotate to the bottom of stack A.
Now stack A has half its original size, and stack B has two partitions: its top half has values that are all greater than its bottom values
Repeat the above until A is only left with 3 values. Sort those three values. Stack B will end up with several partitions of varying size. The outermost partitions will have the greatest values, and the innermost will have the lesser values.
Second phase:
In this phase stack A will always be circularly sorted, i.e. it only needs rotations to be sorted.
Repeatedly take a value from stack B and insert it into the sorted index in stack A, i.e. at the single position where the above invariant is not broken. Calculate which one of the possible candidate values in Stack B requires the least operations to do that. Both stacks may need rotations: B rotates the chosen value to its top, and A rotates to bring the desired insert position at its top. If either stack was rotated to retrieve and accept the value, these rotations don't need to be reversed after the push. Make use of the combined operators (rr
, rrr
) when possible.
Repeat the above until stack B is empty.
Rotate stack A so that its greatest value is at the bottom.
To extend this to undefined larger inputs, you would need to apply the split into partitions multiple times, switching stacks to repeat a similar phase as the first one, and acting on large partitions to split them up into smaller ones. Acceptable sizes for partitions are up to about 450. When partitions get much larger than that you need to add a partitioning from stack B to A, ...etc. I will not dwell on this, as your question seems to target inputs of up to 500 values, but it is an essential step to achieve an acceptable asymptotic complexity.
Note that this challenge does not look for an optimal time complexity of the algorithm, but of the output size. So in theory you can spend as much time as you want to try different methods/parameters to get the input sorted and finally take the one that turns out best.
Below is an implementation. I chose JavaScript so I could provide a runnable snippet here. Some of the characteristics:
A circular linked list class for the stacks.
A PushSwap class as the combination of two stacks.
A class to collect the actions (ra, rb, ...etc). Its optimise
method finds some common patterns that can be reduced to a shorter list of actions. For instance, it will replace ra
rotations when fewer rra
can achieve the same. Or, it will eliminate two consecutive sa
, ...etc.
The actions are grouped into ActionNode
objects, which is a set of rotations (multiple rotations on one or both stacks) and a final (single) push or swap. This makes it easier to spot optimisations that concern rotations (grouping some of them into rr
or rrr
The solver will run three times with different bucket sizes, selecting the shortest output.
// Utility functions:
const mod = (a, b) => b ? ((a % b) + b) % b : 0;
function shuffle(a) {
for (var i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
return a;
function normalise(values) { // Map values to their index when sorted
const res = Array(values.length);
values.map((a, i) => [a, i])
.toSorted(([a], [b]) => a - b)
.forEach(([,val], i) => res[val] = i);
return res;
class CircularLinkedList {
static Node = class {
constructor(value, after=null) {
this.value = value;
this.next = after?.next ?? this;
this.prev = after ?? this;
this.next.prev = this.prev.next = this;
detach() {
if (this.next === this) return null;
this.next.prev = this.prev;
this.prev.next = this.next;
return this.prev;
constructor(values) {
this.topNode = null;
this.length = 0;
// First value should become the top of the stack -- Push in reverse order
for (let i = values?.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(value) {
this.topNode = new CircularLinkedList.Node(value, this.topNode);
pop() {
if (!this.topNode) return;
const value = this.topNode.value;
this.topNode = this.topNode.detach();
return value;
get top() {
return this.topNode?.value ?? null;
*topDown() {
if (!this.topNode) return;
let node = this.topNode;
do {
yield node.value;
node = node.prev;
} while (node != this.topNode);
*topDownEntries() {
let i = 0; // Index starting at top
for (const value of this.topDown()) {
yield [i++, value];
*bottomUp() {
if (!this.topNode) return;
let node = this.topNode.next;
while (node != this.topNode) {
yield node.value;
node = node.next;
yield node.value;
// Extra savepoint feature
getSavepoint() {
return {
topNode: this.topNode, // Might be detached later, but we can still walk back into the actual list
bottomNode: this.topNode?.next,
length: this.length,
restoreSavepoint(savepoint) {
const {topNode, bottomNode, length} = savepoint;
this.length = length;
this.topNode = topNode;
if (!topNode) return;
topNode.next = bottomNode;
for (let node = topNode; node.prev.next !== node; node = node.prev) {
node.next.prev = node.prev.next = node;
class RotatableLinkedList extends CircularLinkedList {
get bottom() {
return this.topNode?.next?.value ?? null;
rotate(steps=1) { // Rotate with given number of steps (can be negative)
if (this.length < 2) return;
steps %= this.length;
for (; steps > 0; steps--) this.topNode = this.topNode.prev;
for (; steps < 0; steps++) this.topNode = this.topNode.next;
swap() { // Swap two top elements
if (this.length < 2) return;
[this.topNode.value, this.topNode.prev.value] = [this.topNode.prev.value, this.topNode.value];
*zigzag() {
// Yield entries in order of the number of ra or rra rotations needed to get them to the top:
// Negative ra values indicate rra instead of ra.
const n = this.length;
const props = ["next", "prev"];
const nodes = [this.topNode, this.topNode.prev];
for (let ra = 0, i = 0; i < n; ra += ++i % 2 ? i : -i) {
yield [ra, nodes[i % 2].value];
nodes[i % 2] = nodes[i % 2][props[i % 2]];
const NONE = 0, PUSH = 1, SWAP = 2;
class ActionNode {
constructor(rotsA, rotsB=0, mutation=NONE, target=0) {
// The given rotations are supposed to occur first, and then either a swap or push can occur.
this.rots = [rotsA, rotsB]; // Signed integers for ra (rra) and rb (rrb)
this.mutation = mutation; // NONE, PUSH or SWAP
this.target = target; // 0 or 1, i.e. stack number
is(rotsA, rotsB=0, mutation=NONE, target=0) {
return (rotsA === null || this.rots[0] === rotsA)
&& (rotsB === null || this.rots[1] === rotsB)
&& (mutation === null || this.mutation === mutation)
&& (mutation === NONE || target === null || this.target === target);
numActions() {
return (this.rots[0] * this.rots[1] < 0
? Math.abs(this.rots[0]) + Math.abs(this.rots[1])
: Math.max(Math.abs(this.rots[0]), Math.abs(this.rots[1]))
) + (this.mutation !== NONE);
*getActionNames() {
const ra = Math.max(0, this.rots[0]);
const rb = Math.max(0, this.rots[1]);
const rr = Math.min(ra, rb);
const rra = Math.max(0, -this.rots[0]);
const rrb = Math.max(0, -this.rots[1]);
const rrr = Math.min(rra, rrb);
for (let i = rr; i < ra; i++) yield "ra";
for (let i = rr; i < rb; i++) yield "rb";
for (let i = 0; i < rr; i++) yield "rr";
for (let i = rrr; i < rra; i++) yield "rra";
for (let i = rrr; i < rrb; i++) yield "rrb";
for (let i = 0; i < rrr; i++) yield "rrr";
if (this.mutation !== NONE) yield " ps"[this.mutation] + "ab"[this.target];
set(a, b, mutation, target) {
return new ActionNode(a ?? this.rots[0], b ?? this.rots[1],
mutation ?? this.mutation, target ?? this.target);
insert(stack, direction, mutation, target) {
return this.set(this.rots[0] + (1-stack)*direction,
this.rots[1] + stack*direction,
mutation, target);
class ActionStack extends CircularLinkedList {
constructor(stackSize) {
this.numActions = 0;
this.sizes = [stackSize, 0];
getSavepoint() {
return {
numActions: this.numActions,
sizes: [...this.sizes],
restoreSavepoint(savepoint) {
this.numActions = savepoint.numActions;
this.sizes = [...savepoint.sizes];
addRotation(stack, direction) { return this.add( (1-stack)*direction, stack*direction) }
add(rotsA, rotsB=0, mutation=NONE, target=0) {
return this.addNode(new ActionNode(rotsA, rotsB, mutation, target));
addNode(node) {
// Optimise node
node = this.optimiseNode(node);
if (!node) return this; // Nothing to do
// Add the node...
this.numActions += node.numActions();
if (node.mutation === PUSH) {
// ...and then see if optimisations are possible
return this.optimise();
popNodes(count=1) {
while (count-- > 0) {
const node = this.pop();
this.numActions -= node.numActions();
if (node.mutation === PUSH) {
return this;
optimiseNode(curr) {
if (!curr.numActions()) return null; // Remove useless node
// Push or Swap that has no effect?
if (curr.mutation === PUSH && this.sizes[1-curr.target] === 0 ||
curr.mutation === SWAP && this.sizes[curr.target] < 2) {
return this.optimiseNode(curr.set(null, null, NONE, 0));
// Can rotations be made more optimal if inverted?
let [a, b] = curr.rots;
let [alen, blen] = this.sizes;
a = mod(a, alen);
b = mod(b, blen);
// The four different possibilities:
let best = 0;
let bestCost = alen + blen;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const c = i >= 2 ? Math.abs(a - alen) : a;
const d = i % 2 ? Math.abs(b - blen) : b;
const cost = c + d - (i % 3 > 0 ? 0 : Math.min(c, d));
if (cost < bestCost) {
bestCost = cost;
best = i;
// Get best possibility
if (best > 1) a -= alen;
if (best % 2 == 1) b -= blen;
// is this the one actually used?
if (a !== curr.rots[0] || b !== curr.rots[1]) return this.optimiseNode(curr.set(a, b));
// A swap on a stack of size two: convert to rotation
if (curr.mutation === SWAP && this.sizes[curr.target] === 2) return this.optimiseNode(curr.insert(curr.target, 1, NONE, 0));
return curr;
optimise() {
const curr = this.topNode.value;
const prev = this.topNode.prev.value;
const prevPrev = this.topNode.prev.prev.value;
const stack = 1-curr.target;
const numRotations = curr.rots[stack];
if (this.length > 0) {
// Case: move other-stack rotations forward to the other side of sa (and its mirror case):
if (curr.mutation === SWAP && numRotations !== 0) {
// Move rotations forward into a new node
return this.popNodes(1) // * sa
.addNode(curr.insert(stack, -numRotations)) // sa
.addRotation(stack, numRotations); // *
if (this.length > 1) {
// Cases: rotation sequences that can merge into one node
if (this.length > 1 && prev.mutation === NONE) {
return this.popNodes(2)
.addNode(curr.set(curr.rots[0] + prev.rots[0], curr.rots[1] + prev.rots[1]));
// Cases: pb pa (or: sa sb) (and their mirrors)
if (curr.is(0, 0, prev.mutation, prev.mutation === PUSH ? 1 - prev.target : prev.target)) {
// opposite push/swaps with no rotations between them: they cancel eachother
return this.popNodes(2) // pb pa (or: sa sb)
.addNode(prev.set(null, null, NONE, 0)); // mutation deleted
// Case: pa ra rrb pa => rrb pa pa ra
const dir = curr.target ? 1 : -1;
if (curr.is(-dir, dir, PUSH, curr.target) && prev.is(null, null, PUSH, curr.target)) {
return this.popNodes(2) // pa, ra-rrb-pa
.addNode(prev.insert(1-curr.target, -1)) // rrb pa
.add( 0, 0, PUSH, curr.target) // pa
.addRotation(curr.target, 1); // ra
// Case: ra pb rra => sa pb (and its mirror)
const swapSide = 1-prev.target;
if (prev.mutation === PUSH && prev.rots[swapSide] > 0 && curr.rots[swapSide] < 0) {
return this.popNodes(2) // ra-pb, rra
.addNode(prev.insert(swapSide, -1, SWAP, swapSide)) // sa
.addNode(new ActionNode(0, 0, PUSH, 1-swapSide)) // pb
.addNode(curr.insert(swapSide, 1)); // -rra
if (this.length > 2) {
// Case: pb sa pa => ra sa rra (and its mirror)
if (prevPrev.is(null, null, PUSH, stack)
&& prev.is(0, 0, SWAP, curr.target) && curr.is(0, 0, PUSH, curr.target)) {
return this.popNodes(3) // pb sa pa
.addNode(prevPrev.set(null, null, SWAP, curr.target).insert(curr.target, 1)) // ra sa
.addRotation(curr.target, -1); // rra
return this;
dump() {
const arr = [];
for (const node of this.bottomUp()) arr.push(...node.getActionNames());
return arr;
class PushSwap extends RotatableLinkedList {
constructor(values=[], other=null) {
this.log = other?.log ?? new ActionStack(values.length); // Both stacks share same log
this.other = other ?? new PushSwap([], this); // Back reference
this.isB = +!!other; // is this stack B? (0 or 1)
this.stacks = [this, this.other];
if (other) this.stacks.reverse();
pushOver() { // pop value from other stack and push it on this stack
this.other.length && this.push(this.other.pop());
createActionNode(rotation, otherRotation=0, mutation=NONE) {
if (this.isB) [rotation, otherRotation] = [otherRotation, rotation];
return new ActionNode(rotation, otherRotation, mutation, this.isB);
apply(rotation, otherRotation=0, mutation=NONE) {
return this.applyNode(this.createActionNode(rotation, otherRotation, mutation));
applyNode(actionNode) { // Action node has absolute stack references (not relative)
if (actionNode.mutation === PUSH) this.stacks[actionNode.target].pushOver();
if (actionNode.mutation === SWAP) this.stacks[actionNode.target].swap();
return this;
// Methods that are (more) specific to the sorting algorithm
getRotationsNeededForInserting(val) {
// Assumes that the stack is cyclic sorted.
// Returns (signed) number of ra needed to get insertion point for val at the top
let prev = this.bottom;
for (const [i, next] of this.topDownEntries()) {
if ((prev < val) + (val < next) === 1 + (prev < next)) return i;
prev = next;
rotateLeastToTop() {
find(searchValue) {
for (const [rbCount, value] of this.zigzag()) {
if (value === searchValue) return rbCount;
sortBucket(low, remainder, factor) {
if (remainder <= 0) return this.threeSort();
let len = this.length + this.other.length;
// Following values determined statistically. These are parameters that can be played with...
const firstRatio = 0.33, normalRatio = 0.42, lastRatio = 0.60, limit = 32;
// An expression to determine the ratio of elements in A that should move as 2 buckets on stack B.
let ratio = low ? normalRatio + (2/3 - remainder/len)**2 / 2 : firstRatio;
if (remainder * lastRatio <= limit) ratio = lastRatio;
ratio *= factor; // Apply some variation to this ratio -- used to get different results to choose from.
const twoBucketsSize = remainder <= limit ? remainder : Math.ceil(remainder * ratio);
const topSize = twoBucketsSize >> 1;
const topBucket = {start: low, end: low + topSize};
const bottomBucket = {start: low + topSize, end: low + twoBucketsSize};
const buckets = [bottomBucket, topBucket];
// Populate the buckets on stack B.
let delayedR = 0;
let safety = 1000;
for (let i = 0; i < twoBucketsSize; i++) {
let bucket;
while (!(bucket = buckets.find(bucket => this.top >= bucket.start && this.top < bucket.end))) {
if (safety-- < 0) throw "safety stop";
const rb = +(delayedR > 0);
this.apply(1, rb);
delayedR -= rb;
this.other.apply(bucket === topBucket ? delayedR : 0, 0, PUSH);
delayedR = bucket === topBucket ? 0 : delayedR + 1;
// Buckets are now populated. Continue with next buckets (recursion)
this.sortBucket(bottomBucket.end, remainder - twoBucketsSize, 1/factor);
// Move the values from those buckets back to A in their sorted positions
// ...and put the least value at the top
wheelInsert({start, end}) {
let maxValue = end - 1;
// Get back a range of values from stack B into stack A
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (this.top >= maxValue) maxValue = Math.max(...this.other.topDown());
this.insertBestValue(start, maxValue);
getTransferMove(rbCount, value, additionalCost=0) {
// Return action needed to get a value in stack B to its top (given its rb-distance)
// and to have the relevant insertion point in stack A at its top also.
const savepoint = this.log.getSavepoint();
const action = this.createActionNode(this.getRotationsNeededForInserting(value), rbCount, PUSH);
const result = { cost: -this.log.numActions + this.log.addNode(action).numActions + additionalCost, action };
this.log.restoreSavepoint(savepoint); // Remove the above move form the action log
return result;
insertBestValue(minValue, maxValue) {
if (this.other.length === 0) return;
let best = { cost: Infinity };
for (const [rbCount, value] of this.other.zigzag()) {
if (Math.abs(rbCount) > 9 ) break;
if (value < minValue) continue; // We don't want to touch other buckets
// Get move to rotate this value to top of B and rotate A to receive that value, and push
const move = this.getTransferMove(rbCount, value, maxValue - value);
if (move.cost < best.cost) best = move; // Keep track of cheapest move
// Perform the move for real now
threeSort() { // To sort at most three values remaining on stack A.
if (this.length === 3) {
let [a, b, c] = this.topDown();
if ((a < b) + (b < c) + (c < a) === 1) this.apply(0, 0, SWAP);
static sort(values, bestOf=3) {
const maxLeftOver = 3; // Number of values to leave on stack A (threeSort depends on it)
const factors = [1, 1.06, 0.95]; // Factors to vary the bucket sizes
let bestResult = { length: Infinity };
for (let i = 0; i < bestOf; i++) {
const pushSwap = new this(values);
// Distribute stack A into buckets on stack B and sort them back into A
pushSwap.sortBucket(0, pushSwap.length - maxLeftOver, factors[i]);
const result = pushSwap.log.dump();
if (result.length < bestResult.length) bestResult = result;
return bestResult;
// I/O
function animate(values, actions) {
const resultSizeOutput = document.querySelector("span");
const intervalInput = document.querySelector("#interval");
const [a, todo, b] = document.querySelectorAll("td");
a.innerHTML = todo.innerHTML = b.innerHTML = "";
function populateTable(table, values) {
const n = values.length;
const width = 500;
const height = Math.max(1, Math.floor(500 / n)) + "px";
for (const value of values) {
const bar = document.createElement("div");
bar.style.height = height;
bar.style.width = ((value+1)/n*width) + "px";
bar.style.backgroundColor = "hsl(" + (value / values.length * 245 + 180) + "deg 100% 50%)";
const insert = (bar, table) => table.children.length ? table.insertBefore(bar, table.firstChild) : table.appendChild(bar);
const revRotate = table => table.children.length > 1 && insert(table.lastChild, table);
const rotate = table => table.children.length > 1 && table.appendChild(table.firstChild);
const swap = table => table.children.length > 1 && insert(table.children[1], table);
const pushOver = (src, dst) => src.children.length && insert(src.firstChild, dst);
populateTable(a, normalise(values));
const n = actions.length;
let abort;
todo.innerHTML = "<div>" + actions.join("<br>") + "</div>";
setTimeout(function loop() {
if (abort) return;
const action = actions.shift();
if (!action) return;
todo.innerHTML = "<div>" + actions.join("<br>") + "</div>";
resultSizeOutput.textContent = `${n - actions.length} / ${n}`;
if (action === "ra" ) rotate(a);
if (action === "rra") revRotate(a);
if (action === "rb" ) rotate(b);
if (action === "rrb") revRotate(b);
if (action === "rr" ) { rotate(a); rotate(b); }
if (action === "rrr") { revRotate(a); revRotate(b); }
if (action === "sa" ) swap(a);
if (action === "sb" ) swap(b);
if (action === "ss" ) { swap(a); swap(b); }
if (action === "pa" ) pushOver(b, a);
if (action === "pb" ) pushOver(a, b);
setTimeout(loop, +intervalInput.value);
}, +intervalInput.value);
return () => abort = true;
function main(PushSwap) {
const [sizeInput, stackInput] = document.querySelectorAll("input");
const resultSizeOutput = document.querySelector("span");
const [randomButton, solveButton] = document.querySelectorAll("button");
let cancel = () => null;
randomButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
const size = +sizeInput.value || 0;
stackInput.value = shuffle([...Array(size).keys()]).join(" ");
solveButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
const values = stackInput.value.match(/-?\d+/g).map(Number);
const actions = PushSwap.sort(values);
resultSizeOutput.textContent = actions.length;
cancel = animate(values, actions);
table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
tr { height: 502px; max-height: 502px; }
table { width: 100%; background: silver; overflow: clip; }
td { width: 49%; vertical-align: top; }
td:nth-child(2) { width: 20px; border: 1px solid }
td:nth-child(2) > div { height: 500px; overflow-y:hidden; }
input[type=number] { width: 4em }
Size: <input type="number" value="500" min="3" max="500"><button>Generate</button>
Input: <input><button>Sort</button>
Interval (ms): <input id="interval" type="number" value="0" min="0" step="200">
Actions: <span></span>
This implementation needs 3610 actions on average to sort 500 values.