I'm new to docker. I just created a registry on the portal. However, when I try to see what's in the repositories tab, I get a Status 401. All the tutorial just tells how to create an ACR. That's what I did. Yet, I keep getting this error.
I'm the one who created this registry. How come I don't have access to it.
Can you try below steps?
1: Go to the container registry on the Azure Portal
2: Select Access Control(IAM).
3: Click on "Add role assignment" under "Grant access to this resources"
4: Go to "Privileged administrator roles" and select "Owner"
5: Click on "Next" at the bottom of the page.
6: Now please click on "Select Members"
7: You can add yourself (either name / email) and click on "Select" at the bottom of the right expanded pane.
8: Click on "Review and Assign"