I'm a beginner in HTML and CSS and i'm working on a project on frontend mentor. The name of the project is Order Summary Component and I have submitted the project already but the issue is that my project isn't displaying well on smaller device like an Android phone and I have increased the width of the main container several times on GitHub, the result is still the same. Here is the link to my project https://adebimpeabdulhamideniola.github.io/order-summary-card-component/ and here is the GitHub file link https://github.com/AdebimpeAbdulhamidEniola/order-summary-card-component.git .I need help on what to do to make it display well on smaller device.
Also,pardon any mistake I may have committed as this is my first post on stack overflow after signing up
For mobile adjustment you can use css media query. Media Query is a popular technique that enables to deliver a style sheet to different devices which have different screen sizes and resolutions respectively.
Add the following to your styles.css file
/* media query styles */
@media(max-width: 480px) {
main {
width: 90%;
.flex-body {
padding: 1em 1em;
Here are some examples for you to work on