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How to convert .txt asset to ArrayList<String> format in kotlin?

So I have thousands of coordinates that i need to plot and one of the best method i know is by saving the coordinates as .txt in asset folder and then pull it by using

val json_string ={it.readText()}

But when the file is pulled, it read the file as a string, despite the file is saved in array format such as follow:


I want to read the asset in an array format, for example, it is divided by comma and grouped by quotes, for example:

  • "97.951476367000055,3.155017079000061"
  • "97.951800004000063,3.154406602000051"
  • "97.949325673000033,3.156145963000029"
  • and so on...

How can I read this .txt file asset as string array or ArrayList< String > format in Kotlin?



  • Create a model like below

    data class Coordinate(val latitude: String, val longitude: String)

    // Function to read coordinates from the asset file and convert to ArrayList

    fun readCoordinatesFromAsset(context: Context, assetFileName: String): 
       ArrayList<String> {
       val gson = Gson()
       val arrayList = ArrayList<String>()
       try {
   { inputStream ->
            val reader = InputStreamReader(inputStream)
            val coordinates = gson.fromJson(reader,
            // Convert the ArrayList of Coordinate objects to an ArrayList of strings
            for (coordinate in coordinates) {
      } catch (e: Exception) {
    return arrayList

    Your text file should be like the below format



    You can call the method as

    val resulArray: ArrayList<String> =readCoordinatesFromAsset(this,"coordinate.txt")