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Collection with Next()

How can I get next element of element to which I have reference in some collection e.g. List<T> ?

I am not talking about any loops, etc. I want get just one next (or previous) element


  • It's not the most performant, but it should work. You can even make it an extension method.

        public static T GetNext<T>(IList<T> collection, T value )
            int nextIndex = collection.IndexOf(value) + 1;
            if (nextIndex < collection.Count)
                return collection[nextIndex];
                return value; //Or throw an exception

    And you use it like this:

            var list = new List<string> {"A", "B", "C", "D"};
            string current = "B";
            string next = GetNext(list, current);
            Console.WriteLine(next); //Prints C