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Setting Time-To-Live and Expiration for RabbitMQ Queue in Ballerina Using RabbitMQ Client

I need to set Time-To-Live (TTL) and expiration for a RabbitMQ queue. I am using the RabbitMQ client in Ballerina to interact with RabbitMQ. However, I couldn't find clear documentation or examples of how to achieve this. Are there any specific ways in the Ballerina RabbitMQ client that I should be using for this purpose?


  • You can use the arguments field of the RabbitMQ QueueConfig to provide any additional configurations (apart from the standard configs defined in the same record) when declaring a queue.

    Here's a complete code sample which demonstrates the aforementioned approach.

    import ballerinax/rabbitmq;
    public function main() returns error? {
        // Create a RabbitMQ client
        rabbitmq:Client newClient = check new ("localhost", 8080);
        // Define the additional arguments as a map of JSON
        map<json> arguments = {
            "x-message-ttl": 60000,
            "x-expires": 800000
        // Declare a RabbitMQ queue with the specified arguments
        check newClient->queueDeclare("demo", {arguments});
        // Close the RabbitMQ client
        check newClient->close();