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Is there a way to animate the icon of the ElevatedButton.icon() in flutter?

I would like to animate the icon of this ElevatedButton when pressed. The idea was to make the icon spin for a few seconds after pressing this button.

Can anyone help me?

This is the code:

     onPressed: () {},
     icon: const Icon(Icons.sync),
     label: const Padding(
     padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
         child: Text("Sincronizza"),


  • You can use the AnimatedRotation widget to do this easily!

    Code Sample

    class SyncButton extends StatefulWidget {
      const SyncButton({
        required this.onPressed,
      final VoidCallback? onPressed;
      State<SyncButton> createState() => _SyncButtonState();
    class _SyncButtonState extends State<SyncButton> {
      double turns = 0.0;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return ElevatedButton.icon(
          onPressed: widget.onPressed != null
              ? () {
                  // Perform half rotation but you can increase the value
                  setState(() => turns += 0.5);
              : null,
          icon: AnimatedRotation(
            duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
            turns: turns,
            child: const Icon(Icons.sync),
          label: const Padding(
            padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
            child: Text("Sincronizza"),

    Try the full example on DartPad


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