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Get Claim Value/AppRole Name from AppRoleId for Service Principals (Powershell)

I'm trying to get all app role assignments for all service principals.

I use the following command to get the app role assignments per service principal.

Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId <id>

That returns:

AppRoleId            : df021288-bdef-4463-88db-98f22de89214
CreatedDateTime      : 2022-11-24 08:32:38
DeletedDateTime      :
Id                   : <Id>
PrincipalDisplayName : <PrincipalDisplayName>
PrincipalId          : <PrincipalId>
PrincipalType        : ServicePrincipal
ResourceDisplayName  : Microsoft Graph
ResourceId           : <ResourceId>
AdditionalProperties : {}

I get everything I need but the claim value/app role name. In this case it's 'User.Read.All'.

Is there a way to get/lookup these names for the Microsofts API's that you can assign permissions for in Azure portal using preferably Powershell? Those would be GraphAPI, Office 365 Management APIs, etc.


  • To fetch all the app roles assigned to all the service principals you can use the script below:


    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.Read.All"
    $Apps = Get-MgApplication
    $ServicePrincipals = Get-MgServicePrincipal -All
    $RolesList = @()
    foreach ($sp in $ServicePrincipals) {
        $RolesList += $sp.AppRoles
    $Data = @()
    foreach ($App in $Apps) {
        foreach ($Access in $App.RequiredResourceAccess) {
            foreach ($Permission in $Access.ResourceAccess) {
                $PermissionName = $null
                if ($Permission.Type -eq 'Role') {
                    $PermissionName = ($RolesList | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Permission.Id }).Value
                if ($PermissionName) {
                    $Data += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Application Display Name' = $App.DisplayName
                        'Permission Type'          = $Permission.Type
                        'Permission Value'         = $PermissionName
    $Data | Format-Table -AutoSize


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