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How to access body in handler and keep it usable by vertx-http-proxy?

I'm trying to implement a reverse proxy in quarkus. It uses vert.x-http-proxy and needs to examine the body. According to this vert.x-http-proxy issue I know that vert.x-http-proxy does not support using BodyHandler but in fact every time I consume the body in my Interceptor, the proxy stuck or throw an already read exception. Any help appreciated.

    fun onStart(@Observes router: Router, vertx: Vertx) {
        val proxyClient: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient(HttpClientOptions().setTrustAll(false))

        val proxy: HttpProxy = HttpProxy.reverseProxy(proxyClient)
        proxy.origin(8888, "localhost").addInterceptor(myInterceptor)



  • Found this solution using Interceptor:

     override fun handleProxyRequest(context: ProxyContext): Future<ProxyResponse> {
            // Rewrite uri to remove useless part
            context.request().uri = context.request().uri.substringAfter("/authorize")
            val originalRequest = context.request().proxiedRequest()
            originalRequest.bodyHandler { requestBody ->
                //Do something with the body
            // Continue the interception chain
            return context.sendRequest()