I was making an authentication backend with Fastapi following the user's guide and don't know how to start a server now.
Files and folders of the project structure are the following:
The content of the main.py
import uvicorn
if __name__ == "__main__":
uvicorn.run("app.app:app", host="", log_level="info")
The content of the app/app.py
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from app.db import User, create_db_and_tables
from app.schemas import UserCreate, UserRead, UserUpdate
from app.users import auth_backend, current_active_user, fastapi_users
app = FastAPI()
# Rest of the code...
And when I'm trying to start a server with the command from my <project_name>/
uvicorn main:app --reload
It gives me this error message:
ERROR: Error loading ASGI app. Attribute "app" not found in module "main".
How to start the server in this case?
try running uvicorn app.app:app
from <project_name>/
(don't think your main.py
is necessary)