My university has sent us a pdf with instructions on how to connect to the Oracle server via DataGrip to work from home because the platform that we've been using so far isn't that great and allows only to see the results of queries. The tl;dr is:
The problem is that several of us have tried this configuration but no one succeeded. We all get the error "ORA-01017: nom utilisateur/mot de passe non valide ; connexion refusée.". I'm certain that the password I put is correct and that I'm correctly connected to the university network. I've read other responses here that say it has to do with the drivers and the case sensitivity of the password. I tried changing the drivers Datagrip uses: from the latest version to to but nothing happened. I even tried specifying manually the DBMS Oracle version near the Test Connection button but it still won't work. I even tried connecting with Oracle SQL Developper but I still get the same error. We sent an email to the IT department of the university but it's been a week and no one has responded yet. If anyone has any idea on what is happening here and what can I do to successfully connect, I'll be grateful.
For reference, I tried finding out the version the server uses. I connected to the other platform that only allows us to see the results of queries and executed
SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
and got the following result
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Oct 10 14:22:20 2023
Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Heure de la derniere connexion reussie : Mar. Oct. 10 2023 14:22:09 +00:00
Connecte a :
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
Session modifiee.
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production```
Well, turns out that the password was wrong but not because I typed it wrong...
The university forgot to tell us that while our university username was correct, we shouldn't use our password because they had created seperate passwords for the Oracle database and pushed them inside each student's HOME directory. So essentially we had the password all along but weren't aware of it.