Why does the hamming
function in R give different values to the function of the same name in Matlab?
hamming (76)
0.08695652 0.08851577 0.09318288 0.10092597 0.11169213 0.1254078
They are following different formulas (same format but different coefficients) to compute Hamming windows
, it is(25/46) - (21/46) * cos(2 * pi * (0:n)/N)
which can be viewed when typing hamming
> hamming
function (n, method = c("symmetric", "periodic"))
if (!isPosscal(n) || !isWhole(n) || n <= 0)
stop("n must be an integer strictly positive")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "periodic") {
N <- n
else if (method == "symmetric") {
N <- n - 1
else {
stop("method must be either 'periodic' or 'symmetric'")
if (n == 1) {
w <- 1
else {
n <- n - 1
w <- (25/46) - (21/46) * cos(2 * pi * (0:n)/N)
, the algorithm is (see https://se.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/hamming.html)and there are some precision difference for two coefficients
> 25/46
[1] 0.5434783
> 21/46
[1] 0.4565217
Two reasons that make the differences
, if you choose symmetric
by default, you will have N <- n-1
and n <- n-1
, that means the equivalent to Matlab's hamming
should be hamming(76+1)
and 0.46
in Matlab contribute to the deviation from R's version.We can implement hamming
functions according to formulas from MATLAB
and R
, respectively, e.g.,
hamMatalb <- function(n) 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2 * pi * (0:n) / n)
hamR <- function(n) 25 / 46 - 21 / 46 * cos(2 * pi * (0:n) / n)
and then run
> hamMatalb(75) # the same as obtained by hamming(76) in MATLAB
[1] 0.08000000 0.08161328 0.08644182 0.09445175 0.10558687 0.11976909
[7] 0.13689893 0.15685623 0.17950101 0.20467443 0.23219992 0.26188441
[13] 0.29351967 0.32688382 0.36174283 0.39785218 0.43495860 0.47280181
[19] 0.51111636 0.54963351 0.58808309 0.62619540 0.66370312 0.70034314
[25] 0.73585847 0.77000000 0.80252824 0.83321504 0.86184514 0.88821773
[31] 0.91214782 0.93346756 0.95202741 0.96769718 0.98036697 0.98994790
[37] 0.99637276 0.99959650 0.99959650 0.99637276 0.98994790 0.98036697
[43] 0.96769718 0.95202741 0.93346756 0.91214782 0.88821773 0.86184514
[49] 0.83321504 0.80252824 0.77000000 0.73585847 0.70034314 0.66370312
[55] 0.62619540 0.58808309 0.54963351 0.51111636 0.47280181 0.43495860
[61] 0.39785218 0.36174283 0.32688382 0.29351967 0.26188441 0.23219992
[67] 0.20467443 0.17950101 0.15685623 0.13689893 0.11976909 0.10558687
[73] 0.09445175 0.08644182 0.08161328 0.08000000
> hamR(75) # the same as obtained by gsignal::hamming(76) in R
[1] 0.08695652 0.08855761 0.09334964 0.10129899 0.11234992 0.12642490
[7] 0.14342521 0.16323161 0.18570516 0.21068824 0.23800559 0.26746562
[13] 0.29886168 0.33197355 0.36656897 0.40240529 0.43923112 0.47678818
[19] 0.51481302 0.55303893 0.59119778 0.62902190 0.66624601 0.70260898
[25] 0.73785576 0.77173913 0.80402141 0.83447617 0.86288979 0.88906296
[31] 0.91281211 0.93397064 0.95239015 0.96794144 0.98051542 0.99002390
[37] 0.99640019 0.99959955 0.99959955 0.99640019 0.99002390 0.98051542
[43] 0.96794144 0.95239015 0.93397064 0.91281211 0.88906296 0.86288979
[49] 0.83447617 0.80402141 0.77173913 0.73785576 0.70260898 0.66624601
[55] 0.62902190 0.59119778 0.55303893 0.51481302 0.47678818 0.43923112
[61] 0.40240529 0.36656897 0.33197355 0.29886168 0.26746562 0.23800559
[67] 0.21068824 0.18570516 0.16323161 0.14342521 0.12642490 0.11234992
[73] 0.10129899 0.09334964 0.08855761 0.08695652
and we can check the lengths of resulting windows
> length(hamMatalb(75))
[1] 76
> length(hamR(75))
[1] 76
Given n <- 75
, we can take a look at the difference in the frequency domain, using freqz
. We can see that the difference mainly lies in the stopband but still quite minor, which doesn't affect the filtering performance too much.