I want to model the full-order model of a heat exchanger in dymola with the set of ODEs. I am new with modelica and dymola. I wanted to know how can I start and model the heat exchnger? Should I use blocks or the coding?
I tried some tutorials but I do not know hot to start to model this heat exchnager.
Perhaps you can get some insight looking in the ThermoSysPro library, which contains several heat exchanger modellings. Like @ImkeKrueger said, start from the basics, especially if you are not used to coding in modelica.
Then you should try coding your own components, such as the tube bundle, with 2 fluid ports and a thermal port, the water boxes, the tubes for conduction with 2 thermal ports and then the shellside fluid.
Start with steady-state 0D modelling, subcomponents testing procedures, and then dream bigger :)