There is a quiz script that gives a bonus to the fastest respondents and then 1 point for any correct answer in the timeframe. After a recent update for the newest pandas library the part that applies 1 point to all respondents no longer works. This is a partial segment of the code for it.
if len(repHolder) > 0:
repHolder.columns = ['name', 'points', 'time']
repHolder = repHolder.sort_values('time').reset_index(drop=True)
repHolder.loc[:, 'time'] = repHolder.loc[:, 'time'].apply(
lambda x: (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x) + timedelta(hours=-4)).strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))
# Take the first response per participant
minDate = repHolder.groupby('name').min()['time'].reset_index()
repHolder = repHolder.merge(minDate)
# For ties, score by time not by name
timeHolder = repHolder.loc[repHolder['points'], ['time']].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
timeHolder['points'] = 0
corHolder = 0
for idx3, row in enumerate(timeHolder.iterrows()):
if corHolder == 0:
timeHolder.loc[idx3, 'points'] = 1
corHolder = 1
elif corHolder == 1:
timeHolder.loc[idx3, 'points'] = 1
corHolder = 2
elif corHolder == 2:
timeHolder.loc[idx3, 'points'] = 1
corHolder = 3
timeHolder.loc[idx3, 'points'] = 1
repHolder = repHolder.merge(timeHolder, on='time', how='left')
repHolder['points'] = (repHolder['points_x'] * repHolder['points_y'])
repHolder.loc[repHolder['points'].isnull(), 'points'] = 0
print('scored winners')
repHolder = repHolder.sort_values('points', ascending=False)
repHolder['qTime'] = (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(qCom.created_utc) + timedelta(hours=-4)).strftime(
"%I:%M:%S %p")
repHolder['deltaTime'] = pd.to_datetime(repHolder['time']) - pd.to_datetime(repHolder['qTime'])
repHolder['points'] = repHolder['points'] + repHolder[['deltaTime', 'points']]. \
apply(lambda x: 1 if (x['deltaTime'].seconds <= 30) and (x['points'] == 1) else 0, axis=1)
winHolder = pd.concat([winHolder, repHolder])
Updated pandas code from this:
if not == None and not reply.banned_by:
repTab = pd.DataFrame([[, gottem, reply.created_utc]])
repHolder = repHolder.append(repTab)
to this:
if not == None and not reply.banned_by:
repTab = pd.DataFrame([[, gottem, reply.created_utc]])
repHolder = pd.concat([repTab])
post update which got the code to run again but then the code stopped holding all the responses
The append
method has been deprecated in pandas 2. The alternative pd.concat
function requires a list of dataframes to concatenate, so you need to pass in the original dataframe.
if not == None and not reply.banned_by:
repTab = pd.DataFrame([[, gottem, reply.created_utc]])
repHolder = pd.concat([repHolder, repTab])