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I cant figure out how to use this function

I have been using Polyethene's Command Functions library which is supposed to act as a replacement for allot of commands, The AutoHotkey docs recommends the library HERE. I have made use of it allot but I am struggling to make use of one function though, which is GuiControlGet, a replacement for the GuiControlGet command.

In this example, I want to get the width of the Text control, I can find it with the GuiControlGet command but its functional opposite fails with an error:

var := "Hello world"
Gui HUD:New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +HwndMainHwnd, hudWin
Gui HUD:Font,s14,Consolas
Gui, Add, Text,,% var
GuiControlGet, OutputVar, Pos,% var
Gui HUD:Show, x300 y300 w300 h300

msgbox,% outputVarW                          ; returns the width of "Gui, Add, Text,,% var" control

OutPut := GuiControlGet("Pos", "var")   ; I get error: ==> Warning: This variable has not been assigned a value. Specifically: v  (a local variable)
msgbox,% OutPutW                                 ; Nothing shown

GuiControlGet(Subcommand = "", ControlID = "", Param4 = "") {
    GuiControlGet, v, %Subcommand%, %ControlID%, %Param4%
    Return, v

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • You may try this way:

    Global v  ; <---
    var := "Hello world"
    Gui HUD:New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +HwndMainHwnd, hudWin
    Gui HUD:Font,s14,Consolas
    Gui, Add, Text,,% var
    ; Gui HUD:Show, x300 y300 w300 h300
    GuiControlGet("Pos", var)   ; <--- var cant be between double quotes
    msgbox % vw "`n"
           . vh "`n"
           . vx "`n"
           . vy 
    GuiControlGet(Subcommand = "", ControlID = "", Param4 = "") {
        GuiControlGet, v, %Subcommand%, %ControlID%, %Param4%
        Return, v

    Or this...

    var := "Hello world"
    Gui HUD:New, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +HwndMainHwnd, hudWin
    Gui HUD:Font,s14,Consolas
    Gui, Add, Text,,% var
    ; Gui HUD:Show, x300 y300 w300 h300
    MsgBox  % GuiControlGet("Pos", var)["w"] "`n"
            . GuiControlGet("Pos", var)["h"] "`n"
            . GuiControlGet("Pos", var)["x"] "`n"
            . GuiControlGet("Pos", var)["y"]
    ;   Another way
        output:= GuiControlGet("Pos", var)
        MsgBox  % output["w"] "`n"
                . output["h"] "`n"
                . output["x"] "`n"
                . output["y"]
    GuiControlGet(Subcommand = "", ControlID = "", Param4 = "") {
        Params := {w : 0, h : 0, x : 0, y : 0 }
        GuiControlGet, v, %Subcommand%, %ControlID%, %Param4%
        for value, i in params
            params[value] := v%value%
        Return params