age_group = ['0~4 years', '5~9 years', '10~14 years', '15~19 years', '20~24 years', '25~29 years', '30~34 years', '35~39 years', '40~44 years', '45~49 years', '50~54 years', '55~59 years', '60~64 years', '65~69 years', '70~74 years', '75~79 years', '80~84 years', '85~89 years', '90~94 years', '95~99 years', '100 and over']
male = [805852, 1133426, 1186319, 1198911, 1681183, 1954718, 1759768, 1877724, 2038116, 2100431, 2243979, 2064943, 2016321, 1433783, 975415, 685723, 447622, 189457, 47148, 8149, 1056]
female = [764557, 1078946, 1118371, 1114388, 1542471, 1708409, 1572504, 1744623, 1943594, 2033792, 2233654, 2032973, 2081537, 1542824, 1114229, 898881, 731214, 428224, 161610, 35719, 5507]
# your code here
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.figure(figsize = (20, 12))
female_array = np.array(female)
plt.barh(age_group, male, label = "Male", color = "turquoise")
plt.barh(age_group, -female_array, label = "Female", color = "violet")
plt.tick_params(axis = "y", color = "w")
plt.title("Population of Korea in 2021", fontsize = 25)
for index, value in enumerate(male):
plt.text(value + 25000, index, format(round(value, -3), ",d"))
for index, value in enumerate(female_array):
plt.text(-value - 250000, index, format(round(value, -3), ",d"))
plt.legend(fontsize = 13)
I wrote down the code above to replicate the same graph which I attached. However, because of the Female index and the text of y axis are too close, I would like to control the whole barh graph narrower. Could you give me some code to make my python graph more similar to the picture?
So you can easily add padding for your ylabels padding by using tick_param
adding padding on the right is a little tricky, I'm doing this in a hacky way by adding a blank plot on the right.
You can customize the padding on either side to make it appear as you prefer:
# change the width ratio here if you want more padding on the right
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize = (20, 10), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [30, 1]})
ax2.axis('off') # hide 2nd axis
female_array = np.array(female)
bar1 = ax1.barh(age_group, np.array(male), label = "Male", color = "turquoise")
bar2 = ax1.barh(age_group, -female_array, label = "Female", color = "violet")
ax1.tick_params(axis = "y", color = "w")
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=55) # change the padding here
ax1.set_title("Population of Korea in 2021", fontsize = 25)
ax1.bar_label(bar1, labels=[f'{val:,}' for val in np.round(male, -3)])
ax1.bar_label(bar2, labels=[f'{val:,}' for val in np.round(female_array, -3)])
ax1.legend(fontsize = 13)
compare to your original image: