I'm trying to convert this (rather complex) string array of float strings into an array of float with no luck:
[ 5.85142857 6.10684807 6.15328798 6.31582766 6.96598639
7.61614512 7.87156463 8.73070295 9.38086168 9.65950113
10.51863946 12.07437642 12.32979592 13.39791383 13.63011338
13.86231293 14.09451247 14.72145125 14.97687075 15.85922902 ]
What I have tried:
def onset_string_to_array(onset)
# Remove the brackets.
onset = onset.tr('[]', '')
# Strip whitespace.
onset = onset.strip
# Split by newline character.
onset_lines = onset.split("\n")
# loop through each line.
onset_array = []
onset_array.push *onset_lines.map do |line|
# Split by space character.
line_array = line.split
# Return one float per line.
Got me this:
"0.53405896 0.7662585 0.99845805 1.20743764 1.41641723",
" 1.64861678 1.85759637 2.32199546 3.43655329 3.57587302",
" 4.08671202 4.7600907 4.99229025 5.87464853 6.52480726",
" 6.78022676 7.66258503 8.33596372 9.4737415 10.12390023",
" 10.35609977 10.750839 11.2152381 11.88861678 12.14403628",
" 12.60843537 12.84063492 13.04961451 13.69977324 13.95519274",
" 14.11773243 14.58213152 14.79111111 15.4644898 15.69668934",
" 16.60226757 17.27564626 17.5078458 18.39020408 19.06358277",
## More lines...
" 126.54875283 127.45433107 129.03328798 129.21904762 130.77478458",
" 131.00698413 131.86612245 132.81814059 133.35219955 134.55963719",
" 135.14013605"
What I want to get:
[ 0.53405896, 0.7662585, 0.99845805, 1.20743764, 1.41641723, 1.64861678, ...]
Any clue?
To parse this string you can:
(1) Firstly delete brackets, (2) then split string to substrings by spaces and (3) finally convert to floats
onset =
'[ 5.85142857 6.10684807 6.15328798 6.31582766 6.96598639
7.61614512 7.87156463 8.73070295 9.38086168 9.65950113
10.51863946 12.07437642 12.32979592 13.39791383 13.63011338
13.86231293 14.09451247 14.72145125 14.97687075 15.85922902 ]'
# =>
# [5.85142857,
# 6.10684807,
# 6.15328798,
# 6.31582766,
# 6.96598639,
# 7.61614512,
# 7.87156463,
# 8.73070295,
# 9.38086168,
# 9.65950113,
# 10.51863946,
# 12.07437642,
# 12.32979592,
# 13.39791383,
# 13.63011338,
# 13.86231293,
# 14.09451247,
# 14.72145125,
# 14.97687075,
# 15.85922902]
BTW Ruby has built-in method to get lines from the string, you don't need split it by new line character, just use string.lines