I am working on generating a csv report. I need to get the field names for the first row of the csv file and the value of the field for each record.
Since the model from which I need to generate the report is being inherited by other models and new fields can be created in the child models. I need to be able to dynamically get the field names.
In my class I'm using the following, which is what has worked best so far:
class MyClass(models.Model):
_inherit = 'custom.model'
def csv_export(self):
headings = self.fields_get()
header = list(headings.keys())
# header returns the list below
# ['field1', 'field2', ...]
Now, in order to get the recordset, I am performing a search with some criteria to narrow down the records to the data that I need. It looks as follows:
records = self.env['custom.model'].search([('country', '=', 'US')], limit=n)
Next, I iterate through the "records" to extract the value of each field in the record. The loop looks like this:
for rec_val in records:
# 'state' being one of the fields in the model
# ['Florida', 'Georgia', ...]
Good so far. But since "rec_val.state" is hard-coded and the field name could have changed or new fields could have been added to the child models. I need to access the values of "records" while looping, using the "keys" I extracted for the field names, that are stored in the "header" list.
The way I attempted to do that is as follows:
for index, rec_val in enumerate(records):
print(rec_val[header[index]]) # this throws an exception
print(rec_val.header[index]) # this also throws an exception
So, I can access the values when I use "rec_val.state", but I have not found the proper way to access them otherwise.
The reason why I'm trying to use the field name as key to access the value, is because I also need to exclude (while looping) some fields that are not needed. So it can't be hard-coded either.
When I use "search_read" as my method on the model, like so:
records = self.env['custom.model'].search_read([('country', '=', 'US')], limit=n)
I get a more manageable recordset, more a plain list. But I still can't use the "header[index]" to match the value to the key.
Hopefully the above makes sense and one of you can point me in the right direction.
In your example, you're trying to use the index of records
to access values in headers
I believe the below is what you intended to do?
for rec_val in records:
for header in headers:
value = getattr(rec_val, header)