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Using for loop in python dictionary to print personal message to friends but it shows keyerror?

I am trying to loop through a dictionary, Which contains "friends name" and their favorite language:

favourate_language = {
    'yousuf': 'python',
    'jazam': 'C',
    'abu talib': 'C++',
    'abu hurayrah': 'Go',
    'umer': 'R',
    'kasim': 'javascript'

After that I am trying to loop through this dictionary so that when a specific name comes then a personal message will be printed for that friend:

for name in favourate_language.keys():

# Displays personal message.
friends = ['yousuf', 'umer']

for name in favourate_language.keys():
    if name in friends:
        print('Assalamalaikum, ' + 
        name.title() + 
        "I see your favourate language is " + 
        favourate_language[name.title()] + "!")

But it shows me a keyerror for the word 'yousuf':

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\Farhan anwar\python\", line 40, in <module>
    favourate_language[name.title()] + "!")
KeyError: 'Yousuf'

I tried to check if the name was mispelled or capitalization mistake with the name 'yousuf', but it still shows the same error.

What I expected for the result was:

Assalamalaikum! Muhammed, I see your favourate language is C!
Abu Hurayrah
Assalamalaikum! Ali, I see your favourate language is Javascript!

But I failed to get the desired result, If you can solve this small problem?


  • favourate_language = {
    'abc': 'python',
    'xyz': 'C',
    'abc xyz': 'C++',
    'pqr mnq': 'Go',
    'edc': 'R',
    # Displays personal message.
    friends = ['abc', 'edc']
    for name in favourate_language.keys():
        if name in friends:
            print('Good Morning, ' + 
            name.title() + 
            "I see your favourate language is " + 
            favourate_language[name] + "!")

    names are key in dictionary. Do not use the method title() on key, it return string in title format.
