I have PDF with different fonts embedded. One of them is color emoji font. For some unknown reason the font with emoji crashes my printing software. The only way I found is to convert all fonts to outlines using gs -dNoOutputFonts
parameters. Unfortunately file became very big and quite slow to print.
Then I found that there is AlwaysOutline parameter that should convert to outline only fonts I want.
But the example provided there has no effect for me:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf -c "<< /AlwaysOutline [/Calibri (Comic Sans) cvn] >> setdistillerparams" -f input.pdf
No matter how I tried, I can't make any particulat font to be outlined.
For the testing purpose I took pdf with these fonts:
# extracted with pdffonts version 22.02.0
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
CIGRAP+NotoSans CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 526 0
PGJSDK+DejaVuSans CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 534 0
FFCMLR+NotoSansSymbols2 CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 538 0
VMLNYD+NotoSans-Italic CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 542 0
ZBMDWE+NotoSans-Bold CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 546 0
And this is partial output of pdfalyze utility:
╭────────────── ─ ─ │
│ 526. Font /CIGRAP (Type0) │ │
╰─────────────── ─ ─
│ sub_type │ /Type0 │
│ base_font │ /CIGRAP+NotoSans │
│ flags │ None │
│ bounding_box │ None │
│ /Length properties │ None │
│ total advertised length │ None │
Then I used this command:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf -c "<< /AlwaysOutline [/CIGRAP+NotoSans] >> setdistillerparams" -f input.pdf
I've tried to use different font names with the suggested command: /CIGRAP+NotoSans
, /NotoSans
, CIGRAP+NotoSans cvn
, CIGRAP cvn
, (CIGRAP+NotoSans) cvn
, ...
Nothing helped. No errors. There are still all same fonts in output PDF.
Does is work for anyone?
What am i doing wrong?
With the help of @KenS I've solved my problem. Let me summarize the results:
Try latest version of ghostscript. In my case it was 9.55 Linux version that did not work properly. Compiling current v10.02.0 (2023-09-13) helped.
Some types of fonts require not just font name to be declared, but both fontname and its CMap (or encoding?) like Identity-H
. Like this:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf \
-c "<</AlwaysOutline [/FontName-Identity-H]>> setdistillerparams" \
-f in.pdf
, use it without prefix: /CairoFont-0-0