I'm coding a Discord bot using discord.py 2.3.2 with the Interactions API. When running my snippet of code:
@commands.hybrid_command(name='help', with_app_command=True)
async def help(self, ctx: commands.Context):
await ctx.reply("Test was good!")
I get the error
line 65, in <module>
async def help(self, ctx: commands.Context):
TypeError: unsupported type annotation <class 'discord.ext.commands.context.Context'>
What is causing this and how should I go about fixing it?
I have done my best to follow the Interactions API documentation, to no avail. The error I'm getting is in a line copied directly from a doc example. My command
async def test(interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:
await interaction.response.send_message("test successful")
works just fine, but not the hybrid command.
From what I understood in the comments you are not using a Cog, thatswhy you can't use the self
keyword and so the first paramater would be Context.
Also change your decorator to
@bot.hybrid_command(name="help", with_app_command=True)
So your final code would look like this:
@bot.hybrid_command(name="help", with_app_command=True)
async def help(ctx: commands.Context):
await ctx.reply("Test was good!")