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Body missing in scala play post from swagger

I have a controller

import models.UserRegistration
import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc._
import com.example.WritableImplicits._

class UserController @Inject()(val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents) extends BaseController {

  def postExample = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
    val userRegistration = UserRegistration.form.bindFromRequest().get

  def getExample() = Action { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
    val user1 : UserRegistration = new UserRegistration("ian", "", "123")
    val user2 : UserRegistration = new UserRegistration("asdfasdf", "", "1233123")
    val list: List[UserRegistration] = List(user1, user2)

and a routes entry

#   summary: post a user
#   parameters:
#       - in: body
#         name: name
#         schema:
#           type: string
#         required: true
#         description: post a user in json format eg {name:"foo", email:"sdfsd", hash:"13123"}
#   tags:
#       - users
#   responses:
#       '200':
#         description: OK
#         content:
#            application/json:
#              schema:
#                type: string
POST     /api/users                  controllers.UserController.postExample()

when posting in swagger like so enter image description here I get a npe, debugging shows that my body is empty

enter image description here

looking at the post from swagger it appears the payload is missing

enter image description here

possibly there is an issue with the swagger docs above the routes entry? but i am lost


  • I did indeed have the swaggerdoc wrong, rather than parameters it should have been

    #   requestBody:
    #     content:
    #        application/json:
    #          schema:
    #            type: object
    #          examples:
    #            Basic:
    #              value:
    #                name:
    #                   "123"
    #                email:
    #                   "9780987654321"
    #                hash:
    #                   "9780987654321"