I am working on a variation of the Radial Plot in Vega-Lite where I would like to pre-define the radius of the arcs. However, when I add a "rad"
attribute to the data and try to use that to set the radius, I begin to have very strange results as shown in the image below. It appears that the pie chart is trying to group-by the radius (or something) rather than keeping them as part of the same stack. Is there something I can do to fix this issue and get the desired result using Vega-Lite's built-in arc and pie functionality?
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"description": "A simple radial chart with embedded data.",
"data": {
"values": [
{"data": 12, "rad": 12},
{"data": 23, "rad": 11},
{"data": 47, "rad": 10},
{"data": 6, "rad": 12},
{"data": 52, "rad": 9},
{"data": 19, "rad": 8}
"mark": {"type": "arc", "innerRadius": 20, "stroke": "#fff"},
"encoding": {
"theta": {"field": "data", "type": "quantitative", "stack": true},
"radius": {"field": "rad", "scale": {"type": "linear"}},
"color": {"field": "data", "type": "nominal", "legend": null}
I tried simply referencing the expected data field and removing the "stack"
and "scale"
encodings, but none of these seemed to behave as expected, so I am wondering if this is a bug with the underlying behavior.
It's currently a bug: https://github.com/vega/vega-lite/issues/7957
Is Vega an option?