I use AWX 17.0.1 Service On docker,
I Want to use ansible collection community.vmware. and i need recent release version collection.
So I did install community.vmware collection in awx_task container, but AWX is still use old version community.vmware collection. This collection is builtin collection in awx Container image.
When excute playbook, AWX is print like this.
[AWX template execute output] Using module file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/cloud/vmware/vmware_guest.py
that module is old version module.
how can i upgrade the python3.6 module??
I try to install recent release collection,
but AWX is not used that
AWX is still used old collection or python module
You can do that using Execution Environments in AWX
1. Create a Dockerfile from awx-ee image containing the collections:
FROM quay.io/ansible/awx-ee:latest
RUN ansible-galaxy collection install gluster.gluster \
&& ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
Build the Image: docker build -t $ImageName .
Log in to your Docker repository: docker login -u $DockerHubUser
Tag the image: docker image tag $ImageName $DockerHubUser/$ImageName:latest
Push the image to Hub: docker image push $DockerHubUser/$ImageName:latest
2. Add Execution Environment to AWX:
The image location, including the container registry, image name, and version tag
3. That's it:
I've tested that already on a fresh AWX instance, where there is no collections installed.
You don't have to refer to the collection in a requirements.yml file
Whenever a new Galaxy Collection is needed, it should be added to the Dockerfile and pushed to Hub.
You can even install normal Linux packages in the docker image if needed.