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GORM: two foreign keys to one table

I want to create three tables: Users, Events, Pairs.

In the Pair-table there will be three columns: eventId, user1, user2. So user1, user2 will both reference Users table by id.

I know how to this in sql, but i want to try to use ORM. I've read the docs, but i didn't get how to do that

type User struct {
    Id       uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    TGtag    string
    IsActive bool

type RCEvent struct {
    Id          uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    DateStarted time.Time
    IsActive    bool

type Pair struct {
    EventId uint64
    UserID1 uint64
    UserID2 uint64

I've tried to do something with gorm-tags, something like this, but it didn't hepled:

type User struct {
    Id       uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    TGtag    string
    IsActive bool

type RCEvent struct {
    Id          uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    DateStarted time.Time
    IsActive    bool
    Pairs       []Pair `gorm:"many2many:pair;"`

type Pair struct {
    EventId uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    UserID1 uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    UserID2 uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`

Also, i tried something like and got runtime errors

type User struct {
    Id       uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    TGtag    string
    IsActive bool

type RCEvent struct {
    Id          uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
    DateStarted time.Time
    IsActive    bool

type Pair struct {
    Event   RCEvent
    User1 User //`gorm:"foreignkey:UserId"`
    User2 User //`gorm:"foreignkey:UserId"`
[error] failed to parse value &db.Pair{Event:db.RCEvent{Id:0x0, DateStarted:time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), IsActive:false}, User1:db.User{Id:0x0, TGtag:"", IsActive:false}, User2:db.User{Id:0x0, TGtag:"", IsActive:false}}, got error invalid field found for struct untitledPetProject/internal/db.Pair's field Event: define a valid foreign key for relations or implement the Valuer/Scanner interface


  • to use another struct as foreign key you should add it's id as another field in target struct, for your case here is the working example(using gorm example):

    package main
    import (
    type User struct {
        ID       uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
        TGtag    string
        IsActive bool
    type RCEvent struct {
        ID          uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
        DateStarted time.Time
        IsActive    bool
    type Pair struct {
        ID      uint64 `gorm:"primarykey"`
        EventID uint64
        Event   RCEvent
        User1ID uint64
        User1   User
        User2ID uint64
        User2   User
    func main() {
        db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{})
        if err != nil {
            panic("failed to connect database")
        // Migrate the schema
        err = db.AutoMigrate(&User{})
        if err != nil {
        err = db.AutoMigrate(&RCEvent{})
        if err != nil {
        err = db.AutoMigrate(&Pair{})
        if err != nil {
        // Create
        user1 := User{ID: 2, TGtag: "mohammad"}
        user2 := User{ID: 3, TGtag: "ali"}
        event := RCEvent{ID: 2}
        pair := Pair{ID: 2, EventID: 2, Event: event, User1ID: 2, User1: user1, User2ID: 3, User2: user2}
        // Read
        var user User
        db.First(&user, 3)                   // find product with integer primary key
        db.First(&user, "t_gtag = ?", "ali") // find product with code D42
        // Update - update product's price to 200
        db.Model(&user).Update("is_active", false)
        // Update - update multiple fields
        db.Model(&user).Updates(User{ID: 4, TGtag: "ahmad"}) // non-zero fields
        db.Model(&user).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"Id": 5, "TGtag": "hasan"})
        // Delete - delete product
        db.Delete(&user, 2)