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Python Pandas filter rows by days of difference in two columns with weekend and holidays

I have a dataframe with two dates, among other things. I need to filter out rows that have more than two working days difference between these two dates. I must take into consideration weekends and holidays.

*Assuming 10/17/2023 is a holiday...

Example df:

NAME     DATE1         DATE2
CASE1    10/12/2023    10/13/2023  <--- one day difference
CASE2    10/12/2023    10/16/2023  <--- two days difference (weekend)
CASE3    10/12/2023    10/18/2023  <--- three days difference (weekends and holidays)
CASEX    10/12/2023    10/19/2023  <--- four days difference (weekends and holidays)

I need to save CASE3 and CASEX (which has more than two days difference) in another dataframe and delete it from this one.

My approach:

date1 = "10/12/2023"
date2 = "10/19/2023"
date1 = pd.to_datetime(date1, format="%m/%d/%Y").date()
date2 = pd.to_datetime(date2, format="%m/%d/%Y").date()
holidays = [pd.to_datetime("10/17/2023",format="%m/%d/%Y").date()]
days = np.busday_count(date1, date2, holidays=holidays)

In "days" I have the correct number. But I don't get to implement it in dataframe to filter it and extract the rows.


  • Code

    Define a list of holidays

    holidays = np.array([pd.to_datetime("10/17/2023", format="%m/%d/%Y")], dtype='datetime64[D]')

    Parse the strings in date columns to datetime type

    df['DATE1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DATE1'], format="%m/%d/%Y")
    df['DATE2'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DATE2'], format="%m/%d/%Y")
    #     NAME      DATE1      DATE2
    # 0  CASE1 2023-10-12 2023-10-13
    # 1  CASE2 2023-10-12 2023-10-16
    # 2  CASE3 2023-10-12 2023-10-18
    # 3  CASEX 2023-10-12 2023-10-19

    Cast the dates to datetime64[D] types then use busy_day count to get the diff

    days = np.busday_count(df['DATE1'].values.astype("datetime64[D]"), 
    # array([1, 2, 3, 4])

    Use boolean indexing to filter the rows

    valid_rows = df[days <= 2]
    invalid_rows = df[days > 2]
    # valid_rows 
    #     NAME      DATE1      DATE2
    # 0  CASE1 2023-10-12 2023-10-13
    # 1  CASE2 2023-10-12 2023-10-16
    # invalid_rows 
    #     NAME      DATE1      DATE2
    # 2  CASE3 2023-10-12 2023-10-18
    # 3  CASEX 2023-10-12 2023-10-19