I'd like to know what browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) the user has on his computer.
It would be nice if I could also see what version of the browser the user has.
How can I check or get the browser name and/or browser version with Delphi?
You can get the browser name and version from window.navigator.userAgentData.brands
, but this isn't natively implemented in TMS Web Core yet. window.navigator.userAgentData.brands
also isn't implemented in all the browsers yet.
But here's an answer using window.navigator.userAgentData.brands
and then window.navigator.userAgent
as a fallback in case the browser doesn't support the first method:
uses Web;
function GetBrowser(IncludeVersion: Boolean): String;
UserAgent: String;
Result := '';
const userAgentData = window?.navigator?.userAgentData?.brands;
if (userAgentData !== undefined) {
Result = `${userAgentData[0].brand}`;
if (IncludeVersion === true)
Result = `${Result} (${userAgentData[0].version})`;
if (Result = '') then
begin // Fallback in case browser doesn't have "userAgentData.brands"
UserAgent := window.navigator.userAgent;
Result := 'Unknown Browser';
if (UserAgent.indexOf('Firefox') <> -1) then Result := 'Mozilla Firefox'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('Safari') <> -1) then Result := 'Safari'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('Trident') <> -1) then Result := 'Internet Explorer'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('Edg') <> -1) then Result := 'Microsoft Edge'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('Chrome') <> -1) then Result := 'Google Chrome'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('Vivaldi') <> -1) then Result := 'Vivaldi'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('YaBrowser') <> -1) then Result := 'Yandex Browser'
else if (UserAgent.indexOf('OPR') <> -1) then Result := 'Opera';
if (IncludeVersion = true) then
Result := Result + ' (Unknown Version)';