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C#, Moq, Unit-Testing: How to create an object that inherits from another class?

My classes/interfaces are set up like this:


//import statements

namespace namespace1
   internal class Room: Apartment
      // constructor
      public Room(Furniture furniture) : base(furniture)


// import statements

namespace namespace2
   public abstract class Apartment: Building
      private int numChairs = 0;

      // constructor
      protected Apartment(IFurniture furniture) : base(IFurniture furniture)
         this.numChairs = furniture.chairs.Length;


// import statements

namespace namespace3
   public abstract class Building
      // constructor
      protected Building(IFurniture furniture)

I want to create a Room object, with a mocked Furniture object. Here is what I have done:

public void fun()
   var mockedFurniture = new Mock<IFurniture>();
   var room = new Room(mockedFurniture.Object);

The issue: because the constructor for Room calls base(furniture), the constructor for Apartment is trying to access furniture.chairs, which is null. How can I mock this?


The issue lies in Apartment.cs. It tries to access furniture.chairs, which is null. Here is IFurniture.cs:

public interface IFurniture
   IChairs Chairs { get; }


  • According to your example, you need to mock IChairs too.

    var mockedChairs = new Mock<IChairs>();
    var mockedFurniture = new Mock<IFurniture>();
    var room = new Room(mockedFurniture.Object);