The overall topic of this question is to create a dictionary based on another pre-existing one using multiprocessing. I have a dictionary, called iddic. I want to create another dictionary, finaldic.
Now, here are the specifics of my problem. Here is how my code looks:
import multiprocessing
def create_initial_dictionary():
#this function creates the large iddic dictionary
global iddic
#i write out a template for what iddic looks like for your use
iddic = {'celia' : 14, 'pierre' : 12, 'picasso' :11, 'pikachu' :19}
def initialize_final_dic():
global finaldic
finaldic = {}
def populate_dictionary(names):
#this function should use iddic to populate finaldic.
for nam in names:
finaldic[nam] = 2 * iddic[nam]
if __name__ == "__main__":
list_1 = list(iddic.keys())[:2]
list_2 = list(iddic.keys())[2:]
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=populate_dictionary, args=(list_1,))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=populate_dictionary, args=(list_2,))
finaldic should look like this:
finaldic = {'celia' : 28, 'pierre' : 24, 'picasso' :22, 'pikachu' :38}
This is the error I get: NameError: name 'iddic' is not defined
You can do multiplication within separate threads and then merge output dicts in the main thread:
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def populate_dictionary(dict_, names):
for name in names:
dict_[name] = 2 * dict_[name]
return dict_
input_dic = {'celia': 14, 'pierre': 12, 'picasso': 11, 'pikachu': 19}
pool = ThreadPool(processes=2)
res1 = pool.apply_async(populate_dictionary, (input_dic, list(input_dic.keys())[:2]))
res2 = pool.apply_async(populate_dictionary, (input_dic, list(input_dic.keys())[2:]))
final_dic = res1.get() | res2.get()
{'celia': 28, 'pierre': 24, 'picasso': 22, 'pikachu': 38}