I have the following ansible code:
- name: "Create required users, and user edits for {{ role_name }}"
name: "{{ item.name }}"
comment: "{{ item.comment }}"
uid: "{{ item.uid }}"
shell: "{{ item.shell }}"
group: "{{ item.group }}"
- { name: "spring", comment: "springboot user", uid: "5017", shell: "/bin/bash", group: "spring" }
register: addinguser
tags: configure.yml
- name: debug var2
msg: "{{ addinguser.results.0.failed }}"
register: ok
- name: "Create required directories for this role"
path: "{{ item.dir_path }}"
state: directory
mode: "{{ item.dir_mode }}"
owner: "{[ item.dir_owner ]}"
group: "{{ item.dir_group }}"
- { dir_path: '/home/spring/script', dir_mode: '0700', dir_owner: 'spring', dir_group: 'spring' }
when: "'false' in ok"
tags: configure.yml
Which generated the following truncated output
task path: /tmp/awx_453706_md5af8hf/project/roles/ANS_RLS_***_001/tasks/configure.yml:57
ok: [localhost.*.*.*l] => {
"addinguser": {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"append": false,
"changed": false,
"comment": "springboot user",
"failed": false,
"group": 5017,
"home": "/home/spring",
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"append": false,
"authorization": null,
"comment": "springboot user",
"create_home": true,
"expires": null,
"force": false,
I want a directory to be created in a homedir only when the creation of the user does have the value '''failed: false'''
I can get the value i want with accessing "{{ addinguser.results.0.failed }}" but i am unable to make a comparison on that using in the '''when'' statement
Any help is very much appreciated
when: "'false' in ok"
when: addinguser.results[0].failed == false
So your modified Block looks like this:
- name: "Create required directories for this role"
path: "{{ item.dir_path }}"
state: directory
mode: "{{ item.dir_mode }}"
owner: "{{ item.dir_owner }}"
group: "{{ item.dir_group }}"
- { dir_path: '/home/spring/script', dir_mode: '0700', dir_owner: 'spring', dir_group: 'spring' }
when: addinguser.results[0].failed == false
tags: configure.yml