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How to quickly checkout between git worktrees?

I have the following file structure

❯ tree -L 1
├── latex/
├── main/
├── simulator/
├── tscnn/

Each directory is a worktree. If I am on latex/, trying to to check out to another worktree yields

❯ git checkout main
fatal: 'main' is already checked out at '/path/to/main'

I want to quickly checkout to another worktree (that is, cd to another directory) without explicitly writing the path (e.g., in the previous example, /path/to/main)

How to do so?


  • There is no way to do that with Git but possible with a shell function that'd use additional Unix tools. This works for me:

    cd_worktree() {
        if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
            echo "Usage: cd_worktree <branch>" >&2
            return 1
        path="$(git worktree list | grep -F "$1" | awk '{print $1}')"
        if [ -n "$path" ]; then
            cd "$path"
            echo "Cannot find path for branch '$1'" >&2
            return 1


    cd_worktree main

    For bash completion add this to your ~/.bashrc:

        _cd_worktree_comp() {
            local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
            COMPREPLY=(`compgen -W "$(
                git worktree list | awk '{s=$3; gsub("[\\\\[\\\\]]", "", s); print s}'
            )" -- "$cur"`)
        _cd_worktree_comp_loader() {
            _completion_loader git
            unset _cd_worktree_comp_loader
            complete -F _cd_worktree_comp cd_worktree
            return 124
        complete -F _cd_worktree_comp_loader cd_worktree

    It relies on _completion_loader from package bash-completion.