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Spring boot app containerized with jib not serving static content

i have a mixed code container containing:

  • a java spring boot app (backend)
  • a vue.js app (frontend)

the container is being build using jib - the 'static' content are deployed with a gradle copy job in the /app/resources/static directory. Here is the Layout:

screenshot of dive

The backend is secured with spring security.

The frontend is excluded from spring security chain:

bean configuration for frontend

Starting the container and trying to access the index.html yields in a 401 "Unauthorized":

result from http-get

I tried different things already (changing the static-path, modifying the security chain, ...) but i always get the same result. I am a bit lost and kindly request guidance :)



  • I believe the key here is the paths specified in .requestMatchers(...) refer to the HTTP request's path, not the path on the filesystem.

    You'll notice the request shown from the browser is to /index.html, which is not specified in the list of ignored request matchers in the webSecurityCustomizer bean. This answer from Andy Wilkinson goes into more detail.

    Modifying the bean to:

    WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
      return (web) -> web.ignoring().requestMatchers("/index.html", "/js/**", "/css/**", "/images/**", "/actuator/**");

    Should fix things.

    You might also want to take Jib out of the equation while you're developing locally and just try running the application with mvn spring-boot:run or ./gradlew bootRun. Then, once things are working, try doing the same with the Jib-built Docker image.