I use Code::Blocks as IDE.
And I should use "libshlwapi.a"
library in order to use "StrCpyW"
But I want to use that function without the library.
In order to achieve that, I should call "shlwapi.dll"
So, I write my codes like this:
void StrCpyW(PWSTR a_wcResultString, PCWSTR p_cwcSourceString)
typedef PWSTR (*tdStrCpyW)(PWSTR, PCWSTR);
HMODULE hmShlwapi;
hmShlwapi = LoadLibraryW(L"shlwapi.dll");
tdStrCpyW fnStrCpyW = (tdStrCpyW)GetProcAddress(hmShlwapi, "StrCpyW");
fnStrCpyW(a_wcResultString, p_cwcSourceString);
So, what is wrong in my codes?
Just use wcscpy instead so you don't have to load any libraries.