I'm trying to build my code using CloudBuild, but it's failing with the following message:
Error: Error while updating cloudfunction configuration: Error waiting for Updating CloudFunctions Function: Error code 3, message: Build failed: found incompatible dependencies: "functions-framework 3.0.0 has requirement flask<3.0,>=1.0, but you have flask 3.0.0."; Error ID: 5503c41a │
I've checked my dependencies and subdependencies, and I've tried to release the same code that was releasable 2 weeks ago, and I'm getting this error everywhere. I'm not using Flask 3.0.0 anywhere, my version is 2.3.3.
My guess is that this is some temporary problem, since I haven't found anything online, and google has already had problems with functions-framework before, but I'm interested if someone has found a workaround?
Solved by setting fixed (latest) version of functions-framework
, which is 3.4.0
at the time of writing this comment in my requirements.txt
Why GCP doesn't use latest version of their own libary is beyond me.