I am trying to update the TIME param in my WmsProvider Extraparams every 10 seconds with a dispatch timer.
private async void DispatcherTimer_Tick(object? sender, EventArgs e)
var wmsLayer = mapControl.Map?.Layers[1] as ImageLayer;
var source = wmsLayer.DataSource as WmsProvider;
source.ExtraParams["TIME"] = GetFormattedDateTime(1);;
However, this does not form a new request to the WMS when the parameter is updated. What is the correct way to update the param and force a new request to update the layer? I am trying to achieve something similar to OpenLayers updateParams as can be seen here.
Setting the new parameter could be seen as a configuration change. If you want to see the result of that change you have to trigger a data refresh. In your example code you could do this by adding a line like this: