I want to elegantly create an extension method for my Enum
to print the value as a string. I have written the following static extension method:
public enum Genre
public static class Extensions
public static string StringBuilder(this Genre g)
switch (g)
case Genre.Action: return $"Action";
case Genre.Thriller: return $"Thriller";
case Genre.Comedy: return $"Comedy";
case Genre.Drama: return $"Drama";
case Genre.Horror: return $"Horror";
case Genre.SciFi: return $"SciFi";
default: return "";
The extension method is called in another class:
public class MovieItem
public string? Title { get; }
public int? RunningTimeMinutes { get; }
public Enum Genre { get; }
public MovieItem(string title, int runningTimeMinutes, Genre genre)
Title = title;
RunningTimeMinutes = runningTimeMinutes;
Genre = genre;
public override string ToString()
return $"Titel = {Title}, Varighed = {RunningTimeMinutes}, Genre = {Genre.StringBuilder(Genre)}";
The problem occurs when calling the Genre.StringBuilder(Genre)
producing error CS1501 "No overload for method 'StringBuilder' takes 1 arguments"
- but the extension method clearly takes an argument. Have I missed something?
Most likely you need to change public Enum Genre { get; }
to public Genre Genre { get; }
And call your extension as Genre.StringBuilder()