I need a script which adds some information to my server after starting the script. It needs to input the IP address but I also want it to send me an error message if I did not input the IP in the correct form.
What I tried:
while true ; do
read -p "which IP did the Location used? in this form xx.xx.xx" newip
case $newip in
[0123456789.]* )echo "success";break;;
* ) echo "only input in this Form xx.xx.xx";;
What I wanted:
which IP did the Location use? in this form xx.xx.xx
input: 10.10.10
output: success
which IP did the Location use? in this form xx.xx.xx
input: 10-10.10
output: only input in this Form xx.xx.xx
which IP did the Location use? in this form xx.xx.xx
input: 10.10.10
output: success
If you want to stick to case
, you can exclude the parts which are wrong, to focus on those which are correct.
while true ; do
read -p "Which IP did the location use? In this form xx.xx.xx.xx " newip
case $newip in
*[^0-9.]* | *.*.*.*.* ) ;;
*.*.*.* ) echo "success"; break ;;
* ) ;;
echo "only input in this Form xx.xx.xx.xx" >&2
Real IP addresses have four octets; if you genuinely want only three, it should hopefully be obvious how to change this.
Perhaps also notice the addition of a space at the end of the read -p
prompt (as well as some minor English fixes).